Page 25 of Fiery Star

Then came the regrets. My betrayal to Rook and Tatiana –– the highest. My mother's voice sliding through my mind like an eel, no one will ever love you...

It was then that I knew I had to change, because the bullet whizzed right past me, and I was still alive.

"You fucking bastard!" Tatiana vaulted herself at Rook. She screamed and thrashed her fists against him. She punched him in the face before he could react.

Bones crunched, blood spewed from his nose and lip.

Recovering from his surprise, he wrapped his arms around her. He banded her tight so she couldn’t move.

"You mother-fucking asshole!" She continued to scream, practically sobbing against him.

I stood up in a daze, my ear ringing, and feeling a new appreciation for life.

Holy fucking shit. He’d almost shot me. But he’d aimed right, hitting the wall instead.

In fact, he’d aimed far enough away that there wasn't a chance he would kill me. But, for a moment, I'd truly thought I was going to die.

"Tatiana," I pulled her from Rook's arms and she straightened in shock, then fell against me.

"Oh my god!" She jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around me. "Oh my god." She was crying, clinging to me tight and, for a long moment, I could only close my eyes, holding her close, breathing deeply.

I was alive. I was fucking alive.

I’d fucked up in the past but now, I was going to make it right.

I would make everything right.

And the only way to do that was to break her bond with Rook so she'd give me a chance.

Still holding her tight, I spoke to Rook. "I give you that information and, from here on out, we're even. Believe me, what I'm giving you is worth my life."

"It better be. Or I'll be back."

"No. From here on out, you and me and this sick game we play, is over. I need to move on with my life. Stop fucking with my businesses. Give me back my money. And don't ever fucking try to kill me again. I’ve been lenient with you, but now, all that is over. We’re done. You and her, done. I promise you that if I ever see you again, I will kill you."

"What the hell is going on?" Tatiana pulled back, her eyes puffy from her tears. "Why can't we all be friends?"

"Not happening," I growled out.

"It's okay, Tatiana. I'm not mad." Rook brushed his fingers through her hair, tucking it behind her ear. "I always knew, sweetheart."

"Knew what?" She stood on her feet, pulling away from me.

Rook's voice was soft, gentle, ... understanding. "I knew you could never kill him."

"What?" Her face grew pale and she took two steps backward, away from both of us, shaking her head.

"It's time," I said, pushing the issue. This revelation would only hurt Tatiana. "Say your goodbyes."

"Give me the key code," Rook demanded.

"I want you out of here, first." Grabbing the gun that he'd dropped, I emptied it of the bullets, then tossed it to the side. "I'll text it to you as soon as I receive a notification that you've left."

"How the hell will you know?"

"Because I own this building."

"What?" For the first time in a long time, Rook looked surprised.