Page 62 of Fiery Star

I didn't answer; I had no plans to, not as long as I had this ridiculous bag over my head.

There was a long pause and then a low growl, "Get her ready."

The sound of a door clicking before the black canvas bag was ripped from my face. My eyesight flooded with light as rough hands grasped me, yanking me to my feet.

My knees wobbled from sitting on them so long and I swayed to the side, but they steadied me.

"Put this on." Onion man shoved a red, shimmery dress and black heels to my chest, while someone else cut the ties from behind my back.

"I'm not putting that on." I rubbed the blood back into my arms and hands.

"You'll put it on, or we will. You pick." His brown eyes were cold and hard, like stone.

I sighed, jerking it from his fingers and growled out, "Fine."

Bending over, I took my time, unlacing my boots, trying to take in as much as possible, now that I could see. The room didn't give away much. It was about the size of my living room and had gray, concrete walls and flooring, with a blinking video light.

Manuel was watching our every move.

Two guards stood behind me, wearing different versions of tank tops and jeans. They turned their backs towards me as I stripped down to my underwear and bra. But onion man kept his eyes on me, roaming over my whole body, his cruel lips twisting as I struggled to put on the dress without lifting a finger to help me.

When I was done, he stepped forward, his gaze landing on my breasts for a full five seconds before pulling a tube of pink lipstick from his pocket. Dolce Vita.

"Your favorite," he said, holding it out to me.

"Actually, it's not." It was Manuel's, always had been, even though he'd declared it to be mine, like everything else in our life. I tried to grab it from him, but he snatched it away at the last second, stepping closer.

"Pucker up." Staring into my eyes, he applied the lipstick, then ran his finger over my lip, brushing off the excess. He pulled the band from my hair, tugging it until it was loose around my shoulders. Leaning in, he whispered in my ear, "Maybe you and I'll have some fun later on tonight."

I tilted my face towards him, whispering back, "You must have a death wish." Then I bit into his cheek.

Roaring, he jerked backwards and the other guards howled in laughter. Eyes filled with rage, and he slapped me.

Pain ricocheted through me but I refused to let him see it. Instead, I stared into his eyes, a small smile twisting my lips, even though tears burned the back of my eyes. "That all you got soldier?"

His jaw set, but before he could respond, the door slammed open, revealing Antonio.

For some stupid reason, relief flooded through me.

Antonio might not be the best guy but he always made sure no one hurt me.

"You must have a fucking death wish," he growled from the doorway, quoting my own words back to onion man. I blinked in surprise. Had he heard me?

Taking hold of my elbow, Antonio led me from the room, down the maze of hallways until we were inside a large room, complete with several guards, a table dressed with food, and two chairs.

And in one of the chairs, was Manuel Rodrigo, my ex-husband, the man I'd thought I'd killed when I slit his throat.

At the sight of him, alive, I froze. My feet wouldn't allow me to go further.

"No, no, no," I wasn't thinking, only reacting as my feet began to move backwards until I hit the wall of men behind me.

Antonio stepped in front of me, blocking my vision. "Tatiana, look at me."

My eyes met his dark brown ones. I was still shaking my head. "I can't," I said, "I can't."

"You can," he growled, "You have to."

"No, no, no, don't make me." I panicked, shoving him away, punching and kicking, unable to stop myself, my heart pounding, my whole body screaming to get away, get away, get away.