Page 57 of Fiery Star

"Yes sir." Without questioning why, Romeo was in motion in seconds, headed towards his car, his phone already to his ear.

She'd left.

A range of emotions washed over me as I jumped into my car. How could she leave me like this? I slammed my car door shut. When the whole world was burning down around me? When I needed her the most.

My engine fired as I shot down the road, Romeo following closely behind me.

Poppy. I was going to pay her a visit, as soon as possible. She would know where Tatiana was.

And then, as I was flying through red lights, it hit me.

A red ribbon. On the dresser. With no notice. No goodbye.

I'd done the exact same thing to her. After I killed her parents and she'd had no one left in the world, I'd left her, like a coward, a ribbon on her dresser my only goodbye.

Goddamn it, I was a fucking idiot.

I thought buying her contract and forcing her to be with me all the time would make her learn to forgive me.

I now knew how she'd felt that morning in Cuba. My chest throbbed, physically aching with the pain of her absence.

She was gone, and wouldn't return.

Just like I'd done to her.

Liam was waiting for me outside the hospital when I arrived.

"She's in room 601." He handed me a coffee, which I gratefully accepted. "Joey'll be here in five minutes and he'll cover the back entrance. Matt is already covering the hallway to the maternity ward, but the problem is, the nurses aren't happy about all the extra men."

"I'll deal with the nurses."

Romeo met up with me as I entered the hospital. "Any word?"

"She stopped by the Elite Majesty early this morning."

I cursed. That was a hotel-casino right over the border into cartel territory. What the hell was Tatiana doing in cartel territory? After everything that had happened lately?

I wanted to take her over my lap and tan her hide, but I couldn't leave Rose, not while she was having her baby. "Fine," I said. "I want you outside Rose's room. And do better this time."

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir. If I'd have thought she'd try to escape..."

"It's Tatiana, of course she would try." I growled out. I still wanted to punch his face in, but I waved him off, instead. "Go on. Bourbon needs us." Tatiana was, and always would be, the ghost from my past. Like a mirage, always slipping from my grasp, just when I thought I'd captured her.

He nodded grimly, rushing forward and past as Nicky walked up to me. Wrinkles lined her eyes, and her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head. There was a large wet stain on her shirt that I decided I didn't want to ask about.

"How is Rose?" I asked the nurse.

"They tried to keep her from going into labor but it didn't work." She easily kept pace with me as we made our way to Rose's room. "Looks like this baby is coming, whether they're ready or not."

"Of course," I shook my head, a small smile on my lips. "Just like his dad."

"Or his mom, from what I can tell. The woman is fierce."

"You have no idea." I paused, worry making my insides constrict, "So for sure she's having the baby?"


Frowning, I drained the rest of the coffee, then tossed the cup into the trash. It looked like it was going to be a long morning.