Page 56 of Fiery Star

Where was she?

There was no smell lingering in the air--coffee or breakfast. No sounds coming from the bathroom or downstairs.

I stilled, suddenly realizing that the house was too quiet.

I couldn't hear her, at all.

Chest heaving with the panic beginning to rise, I scoured the wooden dresser next to my bed.

Her phone was gone, along with her keys.

No! Fuck no!

She couldn't have.

My eyes landed on my phone. There was no blinking light indicating a new message.

Did she fucking leave?!

It lit up again, and I grabbed it before it could ring twice. This time it was Bourbon. "I'm on my way," I said.

"Bring Romeo and the guys with you."


"Something doesn't feel right. I want extra security, just in case."

"You got it."

He hung up before I could say anything else.

I texted Joey and Liam, giving them instructions and telling him to bring more men, my mind racing the whole time. Where the fuck was Tatiana? I headed towards the door, texting the nurses, Nicky and Dallas, next. Just as I paused to turn off the light, something caught my eye, and the flash of red made me freeze in place.

A red ribbon. On my dresser.

I'd been too panicked by the call to notice it before, but now I grabbed it, wrapping it tight around my fingers.

It was velvet, soft and thick, exactly like the one I'd used the night I'd sworn my allegiance to Bourbon. The one I'd wrapped around Tatiana’s and my wrists, binding us together.


My heart raced as I hurriedly made my way through the top floor, then down the stairs, calling Tatiana's name. I searched every room. There was a missing water bottle from the fridge. The living and dining rooms were empty. I kicked the sofa as I passed, my frustration boiling over.

Toe throbbing, I grabbed my keys and yanked the front door open, making Romeo jump.

"Did you see Tatiana leave?"

His eyes widened, "Tatiana?" He looked around, like she would appear out of thin air.

"For fuck’s sake," I growled, slamming the door behind me. "She's gone."

"I didn't see her leave."

"I'm going to kill you, you fucker. How could you not notice her sneaking out?"

"I--I--You didn't say to watch her. I thought..."

"Just stop," I interrupted, reigning in the temptation to punch something. I didn't have time for his stuttering. Besides, Tatiana knew how to evade detection, all thanks to Rook. "Get on the phone. Call everyone you know that she might reach out to. Follow me out while you do that. We're going to the hospital. Bourbon wants you on duty."