Page 38 of Fiery Star

I looked away, a small smile playing at my lips. God, this was ridiculous.

"I like the jealous Tatiana," he teased.

"I wasn't jealous," I lied.

"Mmm," he murmured, leaning towards my ear. "Then I can't wait to find out what happens when you actually are."

"Shut up," I pushed at him playfully. "I really don't think you do."

"Oh believe me," he leaned up to brush his lips over mine, sending a tingling throughout my whole body, "I do."


"Why are we here?" Tatiana asked while I paid the parking attendant to the hospital deck, and pulled into a spot.

"To take care of some business."

She halted, staring at the hospital. "Why? Can't I meet you later? I have things to do." She wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"I wasn't fucking around," I took her arm and nudged her forward. She began walking again. "We're going to be together all the time, from here on out."

"You can't really be serious? Every single second? Even when I need to take a shit?"

"Especially then. I wouldn't doubt you'd wiggle your way out through a window." I regarded her thoughtfully, "At least until I'm confident that you won't run the minute I give you space."

She huffed, rolling her eyes and not answering. Basically admitting that I was right.

So she was planning on running! The thought was infuriating. "Seriously, Tati, I will handcuff you to me. Try me."

"Oh trust me, I will." She gave a haughty wave of her hair that left her neck exposed. "What are you--" She yelped when my teeth came down to nibble on her exposed neck.

I brushed my lips over the soft, silky skin. "Incredible," I pressed my lips there in a gentle kiss, and she shivered.

It took her a moment to realize that I'd begun walking again, pulling her with me.

"What was that for?"

"You show me your neck," I shrugged, "I bite."

She twisted her lips, hiding her smile and I hummed in satisfaction, then led us through the maze of hallways and towards the nurses station.

Nicky was already waiting for me, her long, chestnut brown hair, the same color as her eyes, pulled back into a braid. She smiled at Tatiana. "Ready?"

Tatiana blinked at her blankly, then turned towards me.

"She's ready." Threading my fingers through hers, I pulled her forward as we followed Nicky towards a room. The glossy floors and smell of antiseptic reminded me of when Phe and I had taken care of Tatiana after she'd been dumped in the middle of the city, addicted to heroin. The woman had been through so much, and I had a feeling that there was more that she hadn't told me about.

"Knight, we have to speak." Dallas, the other nurse I dealt with on a regular basis, stopped me right outside the door, and I waved Tatiana and Nicky on in.

"Have there been more?" I crossed my arms across my chest, leaning against the pale blue wall.

She nodded, frowning. "We had four come in yesterday, and two today." She picked at the leaves of a fake plant nervously. "I don't know what to do. The police keep asking questions, but I've managed to find the pills and get rid of them first."

I stared at her blue and orange earrings without really seeing them, considering her words.

"Knight!" Tatiana's shriek made me straighten. I pat Dallas' shoulder, brushing by her. "Call me next time someone comes in, 'kay? In the meantime, keep doing your best. We'll make a move soon. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay." There was still apprehension in her expression but I quickly forgot about it as Nicky came rushing out.