Page 37 of Fiery Star

"Great," I mumbled, sighing and following her down the stairs. Was I going to be in trouble now? I shouldn't be allowed near kids.

The smell of a well-cooked breakfast greeted me as I met them in the kitchen. They didn't comment on my foul language, instead pulling out a chair for me to sit in between the two women.

I ate a little nervously, feeling uncomfortable around so much soft feminine energy. But they laughed as they talked, including me in the conversation, until I grew relaxed and comfortable. I realized I liked hanging out with them; it was easy and welcoming.

As I ate, I watched Honey curiously as she lined her chicken nuggets in a row. Then she ate, starting at one end and going down the row until she came to the last one.

The whole time, I was fully aware of Knight's gaze on me, burning like fire across my skin, prickly with his heat. He noticed when they touched me, or made me laugh, and I wished I could know what was going on in his head.

When we finally left, I ignored the cocky smirk to his gaze. As soon as we were in the car, he chuckled, brushing a hand over my cheek playfully. "We good, Tati? No more jealousy?"

"Shut up," I mumbled, slumping down in the passenger seat.

He didn't start the engine right away, and silence filled the space between us. I was embarrassed how I assumed who 'his heart' was and my reaction to it. It scared me the possessiveness I felt for him. That the walls I created around me were made of sand, so easily washed away by small, simple gestures from him.

I loved him.

I hated how much I loved him.

He finally spoke. "When I left Cuba for the last time, I was..." He hesitated, seemingly struggling for a word, "in a bad place. My parents and grandparents were all dead. And I––I'd almost lost you––"

"You didn't lose me!" I cut him off. "You left me––"

"If we hadn't been in that back hallway, you'd be dead." His gaze was fierce, his eyes betraying pain, and my words died in my throat, only now realizing what he'd been feeling back then. He'd shut me out and so I... I hadn't seen it, but now, he was showing it to me. "And I could never let that happen again." His finger hooked with mine but he stared at the black, leather console. "And I had so much anger inside me. I hated my parents. God, I hated them. And yet, I was still upset when they died. Plus they took my abuelo from me, and my grandma. I loved them both. And I missed you," a hand to his chest, subconsciously rubbing it. "I missed you, so much, Tati, it hurt to think of you."

I couldn't speak.

"And so, I started doing what I'd done in Cuba." His eyes finally met mine. "I started killing men who hurt women. And Maya's husband was my first."

No air stirred around us. My throat was full and my whole body, hot.

"We told Honey something different, but the truth was, her dad would've killed Maya if I hadn't intervened. I was only in the right place at the right time, but it felt so good, Tatiana," he was pleading with me to understand, his fingers tracing over my hand, "I felt in control. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. And so," his finger was tracing, tracing, "I hired someone to help me find these men. Someone to make certain that I don't kill an innocent man. And I don't regret it. Not one bit. In fact," a slight hesitation now, "I would compare it to a drug, Tatiana. I get a rush from it. I'm addicted."

"And you," I had to swallow down the lump in my throat, "still do it?"

He nodded. "Yes."


We didn't speak, not for a long moment, Knight letting me process what he'd just told me.

And I...I found that I didn't see him any less for it. In fact, I... kinda liked it. He was protecting the innocent, women and children who couldn't protect themselves. Giving them a chance at freedom. A new life.

"And you stayed friends, after that?"

"With Maya?"

I nodded.

"Yes. And Honey."

"Your heart."

He nodded. His grin was back, the unspoken acceptance between us now there. "So, are we good?"

I scowled at him. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Why didn't you just ask?"