Page 26 of Fiery Star

"It's been in my family for generations."

"Fuck me," Rook ran a hand through his hair, his shoulders slumping.

"I know it doesn't mean much," I said. "But I really do regret what I did that day." I paused, for the first time in my life, admitting this out loud. "My father. He knew what was important to me, and he used that against me."

Both our eyes fell to Tatiana, silence fell over the room.

"What?" she said. Her cheeks were blotched red, her face still pale.

"So," Rook said, answering her, "he used her to manipulate you."

"He told me that if I didn't take you out that day, he would sell her to Raul. And I couldn't let that happen." I shook my head. "She was only thirteen. It would've killed her."

"You could've tried to warn me. I trusted you with my life, Knight."

"And I trusted you. You were the only person I ever talked to about Tatiana. You knew how much I cared about her, and that's why you went for her. Because you wanted to get back at me."

"Yes," A shoulder came up, "I never hid that from you. Or her."

"And you're both dicks," Tatiana growled out.

"I tried to make it up to you," I continued. "I paid for your education."

"You did not. Dougl––"

"I arranged for it through Douglass." Douglass was the man who took Rook under his arm after nana died. He helped guide him into the man he was today.

"You know him?" Once again, Rook was surprised.

"He was friends with my mother."

Silence filled the room, realization dawning on him. "So all this was you? You told Douglass about me?"

"Like I said, I regretted what happened."

We stared each other down, a sort-of peace filling the space between us. I held out my hand. "Truce?"

Rook didn't immediately react but I was patient. He needed to process all the information I'd just dumped on him. And so, I waited, knowing that this was only the first step of peace between us.

Finally, after a long moment, he shook my hand. "Truce."

"Now say goodbye," I turned away from him and Tatiana, letting them have a moment. I collected as many pieces of the red ribbon I could find, tucking them into my pocket. When I heard their murmuring stop, I called over my shoulder. "I've already sent Douglass the key code. He's waiting for you."

The room was silent, and I turned to him. He was staring at me in shock. "You already gave it to him?"

I nodded. "I told you, Rook. I never meant to hurt you. It was the least I could do."

His lips twisted upward. "So I could've killed you and still gotten the information?"


There was a long moment between us then, shaking his head, Rook hooked an arm around Tatiana's neck. Pulling her against him, he kissed the top of her head, speaking too quietly for me to hear. It was time for him to leave.

I waited until he was gone from the room before approaching her. She was leaning against the wall, and had folded her arms across her chest, staring at me warily. "I still don't understand why we can't all be friends."

I caged her in, leaning in to run my nose across her cheek. "Because, I said so."

"You're kidding me, right?" Her hand went to my side, clutching me close.