Page 65 of Corrupt Prince

“Does he plan to hurt her?”

“No, but we can stipulate that the guard has access to the room. If she screams, he’ll hear her.”

I sighed. “Do you trust him?”

“No, but I don’t think he’ll do anything to her. In fact, I think he might be in love with the girl. I’ve never seen him go to such great lengths to see a woman.”

I sighed. “What we do for women, that’s why we hate them so much.”

“True.” Dante chuckled darkly, shaking his head, and I knew he was thinking about the woman who haunted his own past. “Will this be a problem?”

"The fragrance company will have my ass if they find out that I kidnapped their spokeswoman and put her in a room with a mafia boss from Italy.”

“She’s actually mafia.”

My eyebrows shot upward. “From where?”


“Shit,” I cursed, just now recognizing the name. “That could start things with Atlanta.”

"How badly do you need this from him?”

I scowled. "Good point. Okay, let me know when and where to meet him.”

"You got it."

"Now," I clicked on the video feed that I needed. "When I got home, my uncle Daimon was already gone. Do you know when they took him?"

"No." Dante sounded as if he was disappointed he didn't have the answer.

“It’s fine.” I began scrolling through the videos, though I wasn't certain this was going to be any help. "Regardless of when they took him, I needed to find him. See if he's alive or dead. The answer to that will determine how we take my father down. What have your men discovered?"

"There are three locations where they could've taken him, if he's still alive. Two of them are warehouses where he likes to keep his 'prisoners of war' as he likes to call them. One is a more private location." He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "It's your old house."

Eyebrows furrowing, I looked up from scanning the video feed. "My old house?"

He nodded. "Where you grew up. Before your mom moved in with Nero."

"Fuck," I whispered, my eyes back on the screen. It didn’t take me long to find what I was looking for, and I checked the time stamp.

My father's guards took Uncle Daimon away at the same time we’d left to go to that house.

So, he’d known from the beginning that I would be there that night.

Fucking James.

I stood, slamming the laptop shut. "Come on."

Dante jumped to his feet. “Where are we going?"

“If I know my father, he'll have taken Daimon to my old house. If not, we have three days to find him.”

It was three days until the wedding, when Bourbon and Rose should've had the best day of their lives. Instead, it would be dominated and controlled every step of the way by my father.

We were quiet on the way over, and I was glad that Dante had driven. I hadn’t seen my old house in years; it wasn’t a place I wanted to visit.

As we pulled up to the old brown house, memories assaulted me.