Page 43 of Corrupt Prince

Since I had to wait until late to approach James, I sat in Bourbon's room, smoking one of Knight’s old joints and worked, switching between my laptop and my phone, as necessary.

Since taking on Bourbon’s old duties, I hadn’t given up my old role managing the clubs, so I’d hired new people to take on some of my old duties. Our revenues in the clubs had also increased, though that was nothing compared to our other, shadier business.

The opening of Posh was a noose around my neck. The biggest pain in my ass wasn’t dealing with the fragrance company, but getting all the permits signed off. The county commissioner wanted a new vacation home in Lake Powell, and it was taking us a while to find one he approved of. I was tempted to find something to blackmail him with just to get the permits pushed through but, there was only so much Dante could do in a day.

I’d deal with it later.

However, watching Aster through the video had become an amusing part of my day. After I'd left the room, she’d finished her ‘crafting’ activities, then stopped to eat dinner and talk to Marisol.

I kept waiting for her to try to escape, but she didn’t.

I became even more suspicious when she laid on my bed, not changing, but keeping on her lacy purple dress. She looked towards the window, instead of the clock, until long after the sun set.

When she slid to the edge of the bed and rose, smiling in amusement, I straightened. She was going to make her move. I studied my phone carefully, watching as she tied her makeshift ladder to the steady post of the bed, then she peered over the edge of the window, looking out for any guards.

I’d ordered them away, curious what she would do.

As soon as her cute little ass had disappeared out the bedroom window, I slowly made my way out of the room and down the stairs towards the back door, making sure not to alert any of the guards on duty.

Couldn’t have them messing up my plans.

I stood in the darkness of the patio and leaned against the house, watching with amusement as she climbed her way carefully down the side of the house.

As soon as she was close enough to the ground, I silently crept forward, reaching her just in time as she jumped.

She yelped as I wrapped my arms around her and covered her mouth with my hand, stifling the noise. “Shhh, quiet little nightmare.”

She sucked in a breath of surprise through my fingers, then her eyes narrowed at me. “You little prick.”

I grinned, releasing my hand. “They call me the big prick, actually.”

She grinned and it lit up her face. “You’re terrible.”

“Terribly sexy.”

“Shut up,” she scoffed but she was still smiling. “You’re inconceivable.”

My arms were still wrapped around her, and her hands were pressed into my chest, her fingers catching on the lapels of my suit. This close, I could study the pattern of freckles on her face, and I had the sudden urge to press my lips to them.

How would they taste?

Could I count them all?

The air grew thick between us as we were caught up in the moment.

She shook her head, breaking the spell. Then, grabbing my shoulders, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. The woman wasn’t even wearing shoes, for fucks sake. Thrusting her hand upward, she whisper-yelled. “Now, take me to the garden.”

Christ, she was amusing.

I decided to give her what she wanted. Maybe if I let her see the garden, she would behave when I took her out tonight.

I smirked, walking towards the backyard. "As you wish."

Her eyes widened in surprise. “You’ve watched the Princess Bride?”

I feigned confusion. “What’s the Princess Bride?”

Playfully smacking my chest, she shook her head, “Dork.” Then, smiling, she wrapped her arms around my neck, fitting so well against me as I easily carried her through the backyard, past the pool, and towards the garden.