Page 36 of Corrupt Prince

She was a natural.

She'd managed to do something in only a few minutes that I hadn't been able to do in several days: gain the doctor’s trust.

"Tell me,” I demanded.

"Your father," Marie’s eyes shifted to Aster, who nodded encouragingly. Marie took in a deep breath. "He took something from me. I need it back."

"What is it?" I growled.

"A notebook."

"A what?" I asked.

"It’s a journal, my father's. It's very important. Somehow your father found out about it and managed to steal it."

"What's he asked for in return? What are you doing with the blood?"

"You mean, what did I do with the blood?"

My own blood turned to ice, and I growled out again, anxious now. “Tell me what you did with it."

She shook her head. "No, I need assurances first. I haven’t given Nero my findings, yet. I'll be able to hold him off for only a few more days, but I need the notebook first. Then I'll tell you."

I stood up, clenching my teeth. "No. You'll tell me first, then I'll give you the notebook."

She jerked to her feet, facing me down. "This woman may trust you, but your father will kill me if he knows that I told you. I need assurances first that you can get me the notebook. Then we'll address my safety, before I give you the information.”

“But your husband--"

“Is nothing if he went against your father, and we both know it."

Silence filled the air and we stared each other down in a lock of wills.

Understandably, she was truly afraid of my father. I could see it in the trembling of her lip and her fingers. The defensive posture with which she held herself.

And yet, I was in the same position.

I needed that information.

I didn’t know why, but something told me that knowing what she was going to do with Bourbon's blood was vital to our safety.

“Marie," Aster slowly stood, turning Marie's attention back to her, "I give you my word. We will find the notebook and get it back to you. Then we'll get you to safety."

"There is no we," I gritted out through clenched teeth.

"Yes there is," Aster's gaze flashed to me, showing her determination. "I'm just as involved in this as you."

"No you aren't."

"Yes I am! Bourbon's your brother, just like Rose is my sister. I have just as much of a stake in this as you do." Her eyes narrowed. "In fact, I'd say I have more."

The threat was clear. If I didn't let her help, she'd reveal to Marie that she was just as much a captive as Rose. Then I’d lose Marie’s trust.

I didn’t give a flying fuck what she told Marie. I wasn't putting Aster in any danger.

