Page 74 of Corrupt Prince

“Let me go," I growled, "and I will follow you willingly to the front."

He stared into my face, assessing me. Then, after a moment, he leaned in. “Do you remember my promise to you?”

I straightened, meeting his gaze with a defiant one of my own. “Yes. Do you remember my promise to you?”

His fingers dug even more harshly into my skin, though he did put some distance between my knee and his nuts. “I don't trust people who betray Coulter, so no, I'm not letting you go. You will walk with me to the front, and you will do as Coulter asks."

I stiffened but decided that, for Rose's sake, I wasn't going to make a scene.

I let Dante lead me to the front of the room, and as soon as we passed the front table, all eyes moved to me.

For the first time in a long time, I felt self-conscious as hundreds of faces stared at me, watching as Dante escorted me across the back table to Coulter.

When we arrived, Coulter didn't look at me and I shifted nervously. Next to Coulter, sat the empty chair where Dante had been assigned to sit, then Knight.

After that were people I didn't recognize.

I looked up at Rose, trying to capture her attention, but she was already staring at me, a smile frozen on her face. Her mouth moved, but I couldn’t understand what she was trying to say. The waiters began to serve the appetizers.

“Sit down, Aster," Coulter growled. Since I didn't see any other empty seat, I edged towards Dante's empty chair, but Coulter’s hand snapped out, grabbing my arm and dragging me to him, where he unceremoniously dumped me into his lap.

I landed with a yelp, clasping my hand over my mouth to muffle the embarrassing noise.

Dios mio, how humiliating. Was Coulter expecting me to eat on his lap the whole time? I was never going to be able to talk to Rose now.

I shifted, and Coulter leaned forward, his hand tight on my waist to hold me still, and growled in my ear. "You nervous, Aster?"

I faked a smile, though I was super uneasy. “I don’t know how you expect me to eat like this.”

“It’s easy, let me show you," he picked up a spoon and, leaning into my back, the warmth of his firm chest bleeding into me, filled it with soup, then pressed it to my lips.

"Really," I tried to talk him down from this madness, "this isn't necessary."

"It really is." His mouth closed over the lobe of my ear, nibbling it, "Smile, Aster, people are staring."

The attention was still on us, stern faces gazing. Probably wondering who the ‘whore’ was on his lap. Some almost looked offended, like I was making a spectacle on purpose, even though they'd just seen me practically dragged up here. Some of the men stared with sly smirks, a few women however, gave me a sympathetic smile.

I straightened, meeting their gazes, and opened my mouth.

Spiced tomato-based flavors exploded on my tongue, and I murmured as it slid down my throat.

Bit by bit, his hand went from his plate to my mouth, his fingers brushing sensually over my lips, with one hand clamped around my stomach, his body pressed tight against my back.

The wine was like silk, the salmon rich, and the soft lights around us shimmering.

I fell into a trance, with the wine and his warmth surrounding me, the smell of his musk tickling my senses, his lips pressing to my ear.

I was vaguely aware of his thickening cock at my back, Knight talking and laughing with Coulter, and Nero growing more and more drunk.

My skin buzzed each time Coulter’s fingers made contact with my lips, while his other hand was slowly drawing up my dress, pulling it up and over my knee.

Then his fingers began to softly stroke the skin of my inner thigh, setting my heart racing.

It was warm, stifling almost.

Suddenly, I was aware of everything in the room.

How close Nero was to the two of us, shifting agitatedly. Did he know what Coulter was doing?