Page 42 of Corrupt Prince

"Yes." His responding stare into my eyes burned so hot, I had to look away. My skin prickled at his intensity.

Just like last night, it had come suddenly and unexpectedly.

The tension between us filled the air with thick sexual heat.

I wasn't even looking at him, instead, at the curtains blowing in the soft breeze, but his awareness on me felt like a caress across my skin.

I hated how attracted I was to him.

How much I'd thought about that kiss all night and day.

He'd protected me at the club last night, not only getting that guy off me, but comforting me when I was freaking out.

He brought me cookies and soothed my nightmares last night.

In every thing he did, he showed me that he cared.

And yet, his rejection couldn't have been more frigid.

And I hated how much it hurt, because I wanted more. Wanted the man who burned for me so strongly that it scorched straight through me.

My body was strung tight, my muscles tense, vibrating with the need for him to reach out and touch me.

Just one soft touch. A soothing caress.

Something to show me that this coldness was all an act.

But he didn't move.

I swallowed down the emotions threatening to emerge, willing them to go away. I wouldn't show him my true self.


"What am I supposed to wear then?" I finally broke the tension between us, my own voice growing cold and emotionless.

"Jeans and a t-shirt. Tennis shoes."

His touch made me jump; I hadn't been expecting it. His finger traced over the swell of my breast, and I felt my nipples perk in response.

I didn't look at him, didn't want to see if his gaze had softened. I was afraid of the desire I may see there.

Because even if, and that was a big if, he did want me, I knew that Coulter would never give in to his feelings for me.

Men like him were too hardened and afraid to give in to their true feelings.

I felt his presence draw closer and I closed my eyes, trying to block out the largeness of his presence. The way that it pulled at me, bidden unwillingly, like gravity and the tide. “Please stop.”

Ignoring me, he leaned down, his hand landing on my waist to squeeze it. He pressed his mouth to my ear, his breath over my skin making me shiver as he growled, “Wear something subtle. I don't want to gouge out the eyes of any man looking at you."

Then he was gone, leaving me to suck in a breath at the emotions tumbling through me.


Recovering the notebook wasn’t going to be easy, and I deeply regretted agreeing to let Aster help. She was a pain in my ass and one day, probably sooner than later, it was going to get us into trouble.

By the end of the day, I'd discovered which of my father's guards was with him when he met with the doctor.

Of course, I was taking a big risk by approaching his guard, but it was one I was willing to take. My father had too many hiding spots to search through them, and I had a limited time.