Page 32 of Corrupt Prince

“I’m going.” I pushed away, walking towards the room on steady feet.

As I approached, the man guarding the doorway seemed to grow larger. He had a chest as thick as a large tree, arms bulging like small boulders at his side. He was relaxed, as if he was a little bit bored but, at my approach, he tensed, his eyes sharp as they took me in.

He did a thorough once over, not taking in my bikini bottoms or my boobs busting out of my top, but at my legs and hips, underarms, as if looking for a weapon. It was a short check, as I literally had few places to hide anything.

When I stopped in front of him, he stared me down with a stony glare. He didn't attempt conversation, just waited for me to speak.

"Chocolate spice cake." I told him the password that Coulter gave me in the car.

His stance immediately relaxed but his eyes swept over my face, studying me. Once he was done with his second assessment, he stepped to the side and opened the door.

I passed the silent muscle bound dude and stepped into the room. Coulter told me that he would be observing us through a hidden camera feed, though no one else knew about it. I wondered if he’d already pulled out his phone and was watching, waiting to see what I would do.

Grinning at all the ways I could fuck with him, I strode into the room, taking in everything around me.

The room was laid out like a bedroom, with a high, platform bed featured in the center, and sensual, black and white photos framed over it. A plush, blue velvet sofa rested against the black, bricked wall and a crystal chandelier hung from molded ceiling tiles. Blue lights softened the view before me: a naked man on the bed. He was on his knees, with one man fucking him in his mouth and another in his ass.

Even in his position, I recognized him from the picture Coulter had shown me. He was the doctor’s husband, and running for a Senate seat in the next election.

Just for fun, I thought about joining the three men on the bed, only to see how Coulter would react. Clamping down on my smile, I walked deeper into the room.

There was a table on the side, where a lone woman sat, watching them. She was fully dressed, with a tight, white business dress that had a deep cut, making her boobies pop out. Her hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail and she had on glasses. She had the whole, sexy librarian look down pat.

From where I stood, I could only see her profile, but her eyes were riveted on the men on the bed.

It was only when I walked closer that I could see her clearly. Her back was ramrod straight and she held a wine glass to her lips. Not drinking it but only pressing it there. In fact, her lips were closed, pressed into a firm line. A mixture of sadness and love filled her gaze.

I sat in the empty chair next to her and she startled, her eyes widening.

"Oh, hi. I didn't expect you so soon." Her fingers fumbled with the stem of her glass and she hastily set it down, the drink sloshing. She glanced at me then looked away, shifting nervously. "I've never done this before."

"Done what?" I picked up the new bottle of wine and poured more into her glass, then took a sip.

It was plush, smooth velvet down my throat.

I took another sip, and tilted my head at the threesome going on in front of us. "Watched your husband have a threesome with two men?"

She chuckled humorously, taking the glass from me amicably and took a long swig, shaking her head. "No, he's been with other men since before we married." She stared at them as they adjusted positions, not paying any attention to us. "He wants me to participate this time but I've," she glanced at me, taking in a deep breath, "I've never been with another woman."

I smiled to reassure her. "So it was his idea?" I nodded at her husband, "and you agreed? Did he have to talk you into it?"

“I think he feels bad and he thinks this will make it better.” A shoulder came up. Suddenly her eyes darted to me, panic in them. "It’s not that you're not beautiful or anything..."

“It's okay," I took her hand, my need to comfort her overcoming any shyness between us.

Her eyes fell to my hand, my thumb stroking her skin. When she looked back up at me, there was an openness there, a vulnerability that hadn’t been there before. She leaned forward, her eyes falling to my lips. “I’m willing to try it though…”

Knowing I had to gain her trust, I lifted my hand, pressing my thumb to her lower lip. Then I leaned in and kissed her, inwardly smirking at the thought that Coulter was watching.

Her lips were soft and sweet from the taste of her drink but, there was no chemistry between us. She stilled, not returning the kiss, so I pulled back to look into her eyes. She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. “Sorry.”

Smiling, I shook my head. "There's no reason to force it. We can just talk."

Her shoulders relaxed and she leaned back, newfound respect in her eyes. "Okay."

"So," I leaned back in my chair, taking another sip of her drink, then tilted my head towards her husband. He was wrapped in an embrace with the two men, taking turns kissing them. “Why do you put up with it?"

Her eyes moved to him, sadness filling them once more. She laughed humorlessly. "Most people would think that I'm doing it for the money or the prestige--"