Page 35 of The Player

“Of course, I know about it. I knew when you got hurt, the first doctor told you, one season and you’d be back out there. The surgeon is the one that fucked you over.”

Blinking, I look at my brother, and he’s smiling. “I keep tabs on you, little brother.”

Chuckling, I shake my head in disbelief, but honestly, he doesn’t know how much his words mean to me. “What do you say? We try our hands at a game of pool?”

Bryson grunts but stands up. With a cane, he hobbles over to the nearest pool table and looks at me. “Well, come on, pretty boy.”

As I rack the balls, I think about asking Bryson about Lennox, but how do you say I think I’m his father.

“What’s got you in knots?” Bry always knows when shit is bothering me.

“Lennox and Julie.”

There’s silence for a moment and I look up as I take the rack off the balls and place it on the drink table.

“Yeah, about that, he looks exactly like you, bro.” He hobbles over to the end of the table, leans over, and places his cue stick dead center.

“I know.”

We don’t talk about it. Not even a little. No, we ignore that I’m probably the dad of an eight-year-old and take turns sinking balls into the table holes.


“Mom, do you think I could get Aaron’s autograph?”

I try not to let the whole idol worship sound in my son’s voice bother me. Aaron isn’t someone to idolize, but Lennox doesn’t know that. Giving him a sigh and a laugh, I nod.

“You can ask him in the morning. For now, we need to brush our teeth, put our jammies on, and go to bed.”

He dramatically rolls his eyes at me and skips to the bathroom. “Will you tell me a story tonight?”

This is my life. I couldn’t want more from it, except Aaron. He’s in my house. Knows I have a son and still manages to make my heart pitter-patter like a schoolgirl.

“You know it. Besides, Tuxedo is already on your pillow waiting for you.”

As I watch Lennox get ready for bed, I think about the way he was so excited to see Aaron. And to my astonishment, Aaron handled seeing Lennox well. I didn’t see any judgment in his eyes or disgust. Maybe he’s grown up after all.

Tucking Lennox into bed, I grab his favorite story and begin to read. Soon, my little boy’s eyes close, and his breathing evens out. He’s fast asleep with Tuxedo next to him.

“Watch over him for me, Tuxedo.”

Our cat looks at me with a look that says he will. He’s attached to Lennox just as much as Lennox is attached to him. Closing the bedroom door, I go down to the kitchen to clean up.

* * *

My phone rings at a quarter to twelve, and I pop up, scared out of my mind. “He-hello?”

“Julie, it’s Cal Silverton down at the bar.”

Rubbing my eyes, I blink and try to focus. “Cal, what’s going on?”

“Well, I have two very drunk brothers, and they are causing a ruckus. I’m going to have to call the sheriff.”

“You mean Bryson and Aaron?”

“Yes, ma’am. Aaron made me promise to call you. Said you would come pick them up.”

Biting my lip and counting to ten, I grimace. “Yeah alright. I’ll be there in less than ten minutes. Don’t call the sheriff. He’s always hated Bryson and Aaron.”