Page 25 of The Player

My stomach growls, and I try to catch my breath. The nightmare is still playing on repeat in my brain. It’s Mr. Lawerence’s eyes that get me every time. They look at me soullessly and unmercifully.

Shaking, I get out of bed and head toward the bathroom. The morning sickness has begun and why they call it morning sickness, I’ll never know. I throw up all throughout the day and can barely keep anything down. Although, I do make myself eat at least three times a day.

“Damn, Michigan is having a horrible time today,” Bryson says as he comes into the kitchen, where I’m trying to make a cup of tea.

“Aaron is doing the best he can. His teammates don’t seem to be on the same page as him,” he grumbles.

“I’m sure…” Kaylee’s loud pitch squeal cuts me off, and I walk into the living room. We are watching the last game of the season before the championship games happen.

“Kaylee, what’s wrong?” Bryson says as I sit down next to her. The announcers are practically yelling into the microphones. “Oh, that is a tough tackle for Johannsen. It seems his guards were thrown for a loop when the outside linebackers converted the line.”

Aaron lies on the field, not moving, and my heart scatters. “Get up, Aaron,” I whisper and watch as Kaylee paces back and forth.

“Man, that tackle took the poop out of him,” the other newscaster says as paramedics and the coach run onto the field.

“He…” Kaylee falls to her knees when they take off his helmet, and we hear them say, he’s not breathing.

I get up and take Kaylee into my arms. Bryson is already on the phone. “Go. Go be with him. I’ll take care of the B&B, and your foreman can take care of the farm for now. You aren’t going to be alright until you see him in person.”

It’s the twin thing going on with her. She can feel his pain and vice versa. It’s always freaked their friends out how connected they are, but not me. I love how they know when the other needs each other. Even if Aaron sometimes ignores it.

“Do you want to come with me?”

Yes, my heart screams, but I smile. “No. I need to be here. Someone has to keep things running. And I have to work on getting transferred to online classes.” I’m giving excuses right and left to not see Aaron. My heart hurts, but it’s necessary.

“I’ll call you and let you know how he’s doing.”

We hug, and she dashes off to get things. Bryson, who had leave for the holidays, looks at me and nods.

“You know, you should tell him.” That’s all he says as he walks toward his bedroom. I know he’s going to go with Kaylee, which makes me feel better in some fashion.

* * *

Kaylee hasn’t come back from Michigan yet, and I don’t blame her. Aaron’s injuries were severe. They had to go in and set his left arm and collarbone. He’ll be out for the rest of the championship games and most of the off-season too. He’s refused to come home, though. I guess I can’t blame him, but it puts stress on Kaylee that’s unnecessary.

The last guest for the day has been checked out, and the B&B doesn’t have another guest coming in until next week. I’m glad because I’m not sure I could host anyone right now, considering I’m sitting with my head in the toilet for the fifth time today.

“You really should get that checked out.”

I jerk up and see Bryson standing in the door. “Oh… What are you doing here?”

Standing up, my baby bump hasn’t started to show, but I’m still self-conscious about it. I tug my shirt down and use the towel in my hand to wipe my mouth.

“Been transferred close to home, but have leave for a few days before my new post starts. Thought I’d come here first. Kaylee and I are switching out in Michigan, but she sounded worried about you, so I made this my stop instead.”

Bryson shrugs and helps me to my feet. “Thank you, Bry. It means a lot that you stopped by.”

“Don’t mention it. Besides, if Aaron knew you were sick, he’d be flipping out right now.”

I laugh at the absurdity of what he just said, but I don’t correct him. “Yeah, maybe.” I give a one-shoulder shrug and wash my hands before taking my toothbrush and cleaning my mouth. My teeth have to be the cleanest in the world with how often I scrub them.

“Why don’t I make you something to eat, Bry?”

He winks and walks out of the bathroom. It’s good to see him home. Hell, he looks better than he ever has. But all that wink and the way he talks does is make me think of Aaron. I should call him, just to tell him I hope he’s doing better. Of course, I don’t. He will have to be the one to make the first move.


“You mean I’m stuck in rehabilitation for another two months?” Even to my own ears, I sound like a little whiny bitch, again. Doesn’t seem to matter though, because I’ve perfected the guilt trip to anyone around me.