Well, what James did.
Pulling out of the parking lot, I drive slowly to the airport. My coach told me I couldn’t miss any more practices and I have one tomorrow. This college football career is fucking tough.
I’m on the chopping block constantly for everything I fucking do, and the number of press conferences I have to attend is ridiculous. Most people would say I’m being stupid and should be excited that I am working my way to becoming a professional athlete.
Thinking about the press and how they would eat my Sugar Plum up over her weight or that she isn’t my type eats at me. I have to keep my distance, or she will be in the crossfire. That’s not acceptable since I’m trying to be a part of my team. I already get shit for not dating or taking up the free pussy around me.
Why couldn’t I be like my twin? Stay in our small ass town and run the family business? Shaking my head, I get out of my rental, turn in the keys, and head into the area where my gate awaits me. I’m surprised my bag didn’t get checked. How the hell would I explain that I have a bloody rag in there?
Laughing to myself, I realize I’m being a little bitch and need to get over myself. Placing earbuds in my ear, I get my phone out and text my sister.
I know it’s way too early to be texting, but just checking in on you. How are the parents? And how are you? Still moaning over Jackson leaving?
I shouldn’t be an asshole about Jackson. Hell, I’m not much better than him. At least he’s not pretending to be someone he isn’t. My brain mocks me. Our parents dissolved once Bryson went into the military. Father was proud when Bry got promoted within months of entering. Mother lost her shit and left. She’s been on a bender ever since.
I’m fine. Just working on the fence. Fuck Jackson. If he didn’t want to handle the long distance, he should have said something before he left for college. But it’s whatever. Mom is…well, she’s in the hospital, but she didn’t want anyone to know. Trying to get clean.
What the fuck?
How long?
I grit my teeth and try not to crush my phone in my hand.
Two weeks. But don’t worry. Dad is here and staying with me to help with the repairs.
The guilt is coming back, and I feel like drowning in a bottle of whiskey. Considering my mother is in rehab for alcoholism, that would be a stupid move.
If you need me to come home, I will.
As I send the text, I realize I would jump at moving back home. God, maybe I should have never left the state. Maybe I should have gone to college at UT Arlington like the plan had been.
No. You are not coming home like this. If you want to come home and quit football, that’s one thing, but not because you feel obligated to come here.
Kaylee has always been the wise one. I would end up resenting having to come home, but I would do it. Hell, a break from football would be good, but she’s right. I’d be bored within a few weeks.
Keep me updated. The plane is leaving. Love ya.
I put my phone away and walk onto the plane, wondering if I’m making the right decision. A humorless laugh escapes me as I sit down in the first-class seat. It seems my life is full of me asking what the fuck am I doing.
Stretching, I wake with a moan. My body is stiff, and parts of me pulse with both pain and pleasure. Rolling over, I notice James isn’t in my bed. I kind of figured we would at least show each other who we were after such a fantastic night together.
Looking at the clock on the wall, I laugh. It’s one in the afternoon. Of course, James is gone. Still, it would have been nice to wake up in his arms and get one last kiss before he left for the day.