Page 9 of Under Ground


I zip up Casey’s jacket and tap her on the nose.

“Now, remember what I said last night. We might see Alex in the park. But he is not your father, Casey. He’s just a … man. Okay?”

She purses her lips. “He not my daddy?”

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. We went over this last night, and by the time she went to bed, she seemed to agree with me.

“No, my love. He’s not. I think he’s a very nice man, but he’s not related to you. You can’t call him Daddy.”

Casey wrinkles her nose. “Okay.”

“Good girl.” She slides her hand into mine, and I give it a gentle squeeze. “Love you, Casey.”

“Love you, Mummy.” She giggles and for a moment I can forget everything but the love I have for my daughter. It’s everything.

By the time we cross the road and set foot on the edge of the park, there’s a giant knot in my stomach.

Please don’t be here. Please don’t be here. Please don’t …

“Daddy!” Casey yells.

I blow out a long, slow breath. She tugs her hand out of mine and runs, launching herself at Alex so he has no option but to catch her.

Coming to a halt, I facepalm.

Oh, Casey. No.

I run after her. “I am so sorry.”

His lips curl into a smile. “Don’t be. I was hoping to run into you two.”

“Really? I thought you’d be running in the opposite direction.”

Alex laughs. “After yesterday? I had to see you again. Both of you.” He shoots me a pointed look as if to reassure me he really does mean both of us.

He tries to lower Casey to the ground, but she’s not budging.

“Maybe today before you run off, you can tell me why Casey here calls me Daddy.”

Casey giggles.

“She saw you in a magazine and decided …” I chew on my bottom lip rather than finish that particular sentence. Just the thought makes my cheeks flush.

“That I was …”

I nod.

Despite neither of us saying it, the way he tilts his head and briefly closes his eyes tells me he gets it.

“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to go out to dinner sometime. Maybe you can tell me the full story about this one.” He nods toward Casey, and she takes the opportunity to grab hold of his face and kiss his cheek.

My heart thuds. “I’m not really one for going out …”

His mouth falls open. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see a wedding ring.”

My eyes widen. “Oh, no. I’m not married. It’s just that it’s only me and Casey. I don’t get out.”