Page 3 of Under Ground

Reaching the gate, I drop her to the ground and hold her hand tight. She looks over her shoulder back at the bench seats and screams at me, “Let me go.”

“No, Casey. Come on. Let’s go and see Maria.”

“No Maria. I want Daddy,” she screeches. She’s so loud, he can probably hear her from here. Hell, her actual dad could probably hear her, what with the noise she’s making.

She weeps as we make it first through the gate and then into the building.

Her teacher’s standing by the office just inside the door. She takes one look at us, and her brows take off.

“Are we having one of those mornings?” Maria is always way too cheerful for this hour of the morning. It takes me at least two coffees to get going once I’m in the office, and even then I’ll never be as chirpy as her.

“Daddy.” Casey sniffs.

Maria arches an eyebrow at me. She knows my deal—well, some of it. That there’s just me, and Casey’s father isn’t in her life. Maria’s been working at the day care since Casey was a baby.

“It’s a long story. But Casey just accosted a man in the park, and she’s upset about us leaving him behind.”

“Ohhh.” Maria wrinkles her nose. “Awkward.”

“Yeah. It might take a while to distract her this morning. Sorry.”

She shrugs and reaches for Casey. “It’s fine. We’ve got some new toys to play with today. I’m sure we’ll be okay.”

For a moment, I stand there while she leads Casey away. Casey’s still sniffing, and I’m the worst mother in the world. Why I didn’t stand my ground over her and that damn picture, I’ll never know. It was just easier to give up and let her believe what she wanted to.

Maybe if I wasn’t alone and I didn’t have to do everything by myself, I wouldn’t be so damn tired and cave so easily.

“Bye, Casey. Have a good day.”

“I’ve got this,” Maria mouths, and tears well in my eyes as I sign the attendance book and walk out the door. The cold air bites, and I close my eyes, soaking in the sun for a moment.

What I want is to turn home and take a day off, but I’m reluctant to use my leave in case I ever really need it.

Instead, I soldier on, making my way around the day care building and out the gate on the other side that faces the road. It makes my walk to work longer, but I can’t risk facing Alex again.

I’m not even sure how to explain Casey’s tantrum.

She thinks you’re her dad because she picked you out of a magazine. Her real dad wants nothing to do with her.

Yeah. Nah.

Alex Stone is gorgeous. He’s around six foot of dark hair, and he has blue eyes with a beard that covers his chin. I blush just thinking about him. There’s been no man in my life since Casey’s dad—that was way too complicated.

It makes for a lonely life, but it’s just Casey and me, and she comes first.

And now I’m running late.

Screw it.

Gareth Turner can suck it. It’s not like he’s got the guts to fire me.

The chilly air slowly warms with the sun shining brightly. I’m no fan of winter, but after the frost in the morning, we do get the most wonderful sunny days.

I walk into the office, past the reception desk in front of the big bay window, and to my not so visible spot in the corner.

“You’re late.” Of course Gareth is out in the office. It’s guaranteed with the luck that I have. He stands with his arms folded, his glare fixed firmly on me.

“Five minutes, and I’m here now. Keep your hair on.”