And she’s not the only one.
I thought we had privacy here, and no one else could see us. But apparently, I was wrong. And Josh, Delaney, Reece, and Pania might not have heard my words, but they all saw my action, which usually only means one thing.
“And now I’ve screwed up this proposal because I thought it was private,” I say. Lana slams her hand over her mouth and giggles. After digging the ring box out of my pocket, I hold it up. “Lana, will you marry me?”
Tears fill her eyes, and she drops her hands. “Yes. I’m not just saying that because everyone’s watching, but yes.”
I take the ring out of the box and slide it on her finger. Behind us, Reece starts clapping. The others soon join in, and I straighten up and pull Lana into my arms.
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” I call out.
“It’s too late now.” Reece gives me the thumbs up, and I look back at Lana. Her eyes shine with happiness.
“I love you,” I murmur.
“I know,” she replies.
If anyone had asked me—even a few months ago—if I’d planned on getting married any time soon, I would have looked at them like they had two heads.
Now, here I am, getting ready to marry Alex in Delaney and Josh’s backyard with Casey by my side as my flower girl.
We’ll walk down the aisle together.
There’s no big congregation, no big fuss.
I’m in Delaney’s room in front of her full-length mirror. And what I see warms my heart.
Pania designed a gown for me. I didn’t want anything too fussy, and she’s nailed it. It’s made from pale blue satin and has a sweetheart neckline. It’s cinched above the waist and then flows into a long skirt. It’s breathtaking, and I can’t wait for Alex to see me in it. My baby bump, which is now clearly visible, hides behind the skirt.
The best part? Pania also made me matching lingerie. I’m wearing a corset in the same colour fabric, which is covered in the most delicate lace, with white thigh-high stockings underneath.
“I feel like a princess.” I twirl.
“You look like one,” Pania says. “That dress really does bring out the blue of your eyes.”
I smooth down the skirt. “Thank you so much. You’ve done an amazing job.”
She grips my arm, a smile on her face. “You’re welcome, my friend. No, not friend. We’re sisters now.”
Delaney walks into the room and lets out a low whistle. “Look at you.” She sits on the end of the bed. “I’ve got some presents.”
“For me?”
She grins. “Pania and I have put these together. We’ll start with something old.”
Pania waves her index finger in the air. “Remember when I was making your dress, and I put pockets in it? And you were all ‘I love pockets in dresses, but a wedding dress?’”
I nod.
“This something old isn’t really that old, but we talked to Alex and Casey and found the perfect thing. Plus, it can go in your pocket.”
I look between them. “What is it?”