“Oh, Delaney. You didn’t have to.”
She smiles. “Of course I did. You’re my friend and you’re off-colour. Spend the day in bed. Casey’s fine with me.”
I swallow hard. “I know she is. It’s just … you’ve already done so much for us.”
She swats her hand in the air. “It’s all good. I love having you and Casey here.”
“We’re really enjoying being here too.”
Nausea rolls over me, and I place my hand on my stomach.
“So … have you told him yet?”
I meet her gaze. Delaney doesn’t miss a thing..
“I …”
She hands me a glass of water from the tray and sits beside me.
“I’m trying to find the right time. There was a moment when we looked at the house, but the agent was there and ...”
Delaney places her hand on my arm. “He loves you, Lana.”
“I know, but we haven’t been together long. And I keep thinking about how things went with Gareth—Casey’s father.”
She tilts her head. “I don’t know much about Gareth, but Alex isn’t him. That man worships the ground you walk on. Besides, no matter what, you have me and Pania now.”
“You’ve been so good to me.”
Delaney’s smile graces her whole face. “I’ve been in bad spots and survived them with help from my friends. It’s my turn to take care of other people.”
“Josh did say you had a way of taking people under your wing.”
She laughs. “I don’t mean to. I guess it’s because Pania’s mum once did that to me, and I hate the thought of anyone else going through bad stuff. And you’ve had more than your share.”
“I really do appreciate all of it.”
“I know you do. So, let me take care of that girl of yours. She can hang out with Addison and me today while you rest up. You look tired.”
Running my hands through my hair, I nod. “I feel tired.”
“It wasn’t that long ago I was pregnant with Addison. I well remember that. And you just remember that I’m always here to look after Casey if you’re not feeling too good. Pania’s a great babysitter too.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll leave you to it. Have something to eat if you can and go back to sleep.” She turns and walks toward the door.
Tears prick my eyes because I know no matter what, she’s my friend now—and a better one than I ever had back home.
Any lingering doubts I had about how this would work are gone.
Except I still have to tell Alex about the baby.
I’m still not quite sure how that’ll go.
* * *
The house purchase seems to have given Alex a second wind.