I stand and make my way to the door. “Who is it?”
“Lana. It’s Melanie.”
My heart’s in my throat. I can’t hide. She deserves an explanation for what happened today. And I’m the only one who can give her my side of the story. God knows what Gareth’s told her.
I take a deep breath and tug open the door.
Every time I’ve seen her, Melanie’s had a smile on her face. It’s what made it so hard to confess to her in the first place, and what makes this whole situation hard now.
Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are kind as they always are, but there’s a sadness about them.
“You Mummy’s friend?” Casey asks.
Melanie shoots me an amused look. “I am. You must be Casey.”
Casey nods. “I waiting for my daddy to come home.”
“She’s waiting for Alex,” I rush to say. “He’s gone to the wrap party for his movie, but he’s not due home any time soon if you want to talk. I can make us coffee?”
She shakes her head. “I don’t need a coffee, but I would like to have a quick word.”
“Sure. Come in.”
I step back and let her in.
I lead her to the couch and we sit. Casey tries to climb onto my lap.
“How about you go and play in your room for a minute? Mummy has to talk to Mrs Turner.”
Casey grins and nods. “Okay.”
She runs down the hallway and we both watch her leave.
“She’s beautiful,” Melanie says.
I nod. “She is. She’s the very best of me.”
“She’s all you. That hair and those eyes.” She tilts her head. “Gareth told me everything. We were going through a rough patch with him leaving his job and all the uncertainty of the future. And then he lied to you.”
I suck on my bottom lip. “He did. And when I met you, I felt even worse because you were so nice—are so nice. I didn’t want this, Melanie. Not telling you wasn’t about any loyalty to Gareth; it was because I didn’t want to hurt you.”
She lets out a long breath. “I’m glad I know. But I wish someone had told me sooner.”
“I’m so sorry. I feel awful.”
Melanie shakes her head. “Don’t. I’m not sure what I’m going to do, but I do know it’s not your fault. Maybe you could have told me, but Gareth could have as well. He lied to both of us.” She sighs.
“What will you do now?”
Her eyes fill with tears. “I’m sorry. I … we just started IVF and I’m a bit of a mess.”
“It’s okay. I think you’re entitled to be upset.”
She takes a moment to steady herself. “I’ve given him a choice. If he wants our marriage to work, he needs to let you and Casey go without trying to make it difficult.”
I can’t breathe. “You would do that?”
Her sad smile almost brings me to tears. “I think the most important person in all of this is Casey. And I know Gareth signed his parental rights away, but I also know he’s pissed that you’re taking her out of the country. But he’s married to me, and today, he committed to making this work. And it won’t work if he messes with her life.”