Page 28 of Under Ground

I stop, and she pauses beside me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean …” I say.

“I wasn’t making assumptions. It’s just that I don’t want to rush anything.” She looks at her feet. “I probably just worded that badly.”

Nudging her shoulder with mine, I take a step. “No. I already worked out that you need to take this slow. And I’m fine with that.”

“I’m glad,” she says. We walk slowly until we reach the door. “I’ve really enjoyed tonight. Do you want to come in for a coffee?”

I nod. “I’d like that.”

She pushes open the door. Maria’s seated on the couch, and she stands to greet us.

“You’re home early.”

Lana smiles. “I missed Casey.”

She laughs. “She’s fast asleep. She wanted desperately to stay up and see you when you got home. But she curled up on the couch next to me, and we watched some cartoons until she nodded off.”

“Thank you again. I’m so glad she had you. She just loves spending time with you at day care.”

“I love being her teacher.” She nods toward me. “Goodnight to both of you. I hope you had a good time.”

“We did.” Lana takes my hand and squeezes it.

“Good. See you on Monday morning.” Maria picks up her bag and jacket, and we step aside to let her out the door.

“I’ll walk you to your car,” I say.

She smiles. “No. You stay here where it’s warm. It’s just outside.”

“Are you sure?”

Maria shifts her gaze to Lana. “Oh, this one is a keeper.”

Lana raises her hand to her mouth and laughs.

“Bye.” Maria waves and closes the door as she leaves.

I turn to Lana. “So … alone again.”

Her eyes glisten with happiness. “Looks like it. Casey used to be the worst sleeper, and get up what felt like fifty times in a night, but the past few months, she’s been solid.”

“Oh. So, there’s not much chance of us being interrupted?” I raise my hand to her cheek, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

“Not really. What should we do?”

“I’d really like to kiss you again.”

A smile dances on her lips. “I wouldn’t say no.”

I lean in.

“Mummy,” Casey calls.

Lana covers her eyes with her hand and shakes her head. “So much for that.”

“Better make it quick, then.”

She drops her hand. “What?”