Page 114 of Under Ground

“I did not think he’d do that,” Pania says.

“He loves us.” Delaney rests her head on Pania’s shoulder.

“He does.” Pania leans back against Delaney.

Josh passes out beers, and when a cry comes from the baby monitor, he gets up to check on Addison.

Delaney nudges my arm. “Look at that,” she whispers, nodding toward a corner of the room.

I turn my head. Alex and Reece are deep in conversation, and my heart swells with hope. “That has to be a good sign.”

She nods. “It does. Reece is just being stupid. Maybe he’s gotten over himself.”

“You did it.” Pania rubs my arm. “I’ve tried not to push him too hard, but it was your visit that really got him thinking. He was so wound up about the past that he didn’t think about the present or the future.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

She loops her arm around my neck and pulls me closer. “That’s what family’s for.”

I blink back tears. She’s right. And we are all family now.



“Got a minute?”

I look up in surprise at Reece’s voice. He hasn’t spoken to me in a casual environment since Mom’s revelation. “Of course.”

I stand and follow him into the corner of the room—away from the others. My stomach flips with nerves. It’s still so hard to think of him as my older brother.

“So, uhh. I just wanted to talk to you. Pania’s been giving me a pretty hard time about how I’ve treated you.” He draws in a deep breath. “And she’s right. I’ve been a real asshole about it.”

It’s hard not to nod, so I just drop my gaze.

“I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. It was just such a shock.” He closes his eyes and blows out a breath. “I can’t remember my parents well. But I remember them loving me and loving each other. To know what they did …”

I grasp his arm. “Sounds like it was a pretty wild night. Plus, they were taking drugs. It’s probably a miracle my mother remembered who my father was.”

He snorts. “You’re not wrong.” Raising his other hand, he runs his fingers through his hair. “I only really learned what it was like to have family when I met Josh, and then Delaney and Amelia …” He drops eye contact and his smile is so wistful. I’m pretty sure I know who he’s thinking about. “Pania really sealed the deal for me. Her family became mine and I know what it’s like now. I’m glad that, if I had to find a secret brother, it was you.”

His gaze hits mine. He has such familiar eyes, I wonder how I didn’t see it in the first place. We might have different mothers, but Reece and I are brothers.

“Secret brother, huh? Could make for a good movie,” I say.

He chuckles. “I’m game if you are.”

“Thanks, Reece. I hated things being the way they were between us.”

“You’re welcome.” He gives me a short, sharp nod. “Should we go and put the girls out of their misery? You just know they’re on the other side of the room gossiping about us.”

I laugh. “Nope. Let them suffer a bit longer.”

Reece grins, and for a moment, it’s like looking in a mirror. “Oh, I think we’ll be great as brothers.”

“Me too.”

He nudges my arm. “You know what else? That is one special lady you have there.”