Page 67 of Trig

“We don’t exist.” I pause. “How long have you known? Before or after you slept with Mya?”

He looks away. “Before.”

I step forward and harshly put the gun to his head. I can feel my heartbeat speed up.

“Stop. Let me finish. It’s not what you think. You think I slept with her to get to you for some weird reason. You think I have motives. It’s not like that.”

“No? What’s it like then?” I say, smashing the gun harder into his temple.

“I already had her at my house. We were…” He pauses.

I stare, waiting.

“...Talking…and my sister Letty busted in after she found out you two are her parents. Letty is a good hacker, not great, but good. She tends to run checks on anyone that I bring into the business or any ladies I bring home to…talk with. Cisco slipped through the cracks since we went to high school together. She never ran him, but Mya, she did. She’s been told the same stories growing up that I have, shown the same pictures. She’s got one hell of a memory. When she saw your newer photos under Mike and Angelina Krackle and compared it to my uncle’s old photos he sent her by request, it all fell into place. Anyways, there we were…talking, and Letty burst in. She tells me alone who Mya’s parents are. I don’t believe her. Again, to me, you two were a myth. I tell her to get out. That business hours are done and she’s evading my personal time. She quickly pulls out her cell phone and shows me my uncle’s pictures of you and then current pictures she hacked online. I still refused to accept the idea that the girl in my dining room is the daughter of my family’s criminal legend gossip. After Mya left this morning, I had some time to think, so I had Letty send me all her research on you two. I still couldn’t quite accept it. So, I called Mya, and told her I wanted to see her, and I meant it. I figured at some point, if what Letty was saying was true, I’d meet you guys and confirm it. Nothing more. Nothing less. It would be like any grown-up meeting the real Santa Claus.”

I nod. Nine opens the door and walks in. She taps her ear to say she’s been listening. I just don’t know how much she heard. She looks more sobered up after a few cups of coffee and whatever chaos ensued after I knocked out Oscar and dragged his body to the garage.

“Did he just compare us to Santa Claus?”

Oscar turns his head to look at her. He can’t look away. Nine stops next to me and stares down at him.

“Is it true you died and he brought you back from the dead?” he asks.

Nine looks at me and then back to him.

“More times than I can count,” she replies.

“Mya. She looks like you. The whole ‘beauty captured him’ thing. I understand the story now.”

Nine shakes her head. “You will never understand the story.”

I pull the gun away from his temple.

“What do you think, my love? Live or die?” I ask.

“There was a huge uproar with Mya and Cisco so I had to have a little heart-to-heart with the kids and let them know some things about us. I wasn’t fully prepared to rain down our history tonight while being intoxicated, so I’m a little pissed at Oscar. Although they were surprised, and sad in some parts, they didn’t seem too shocked. I think we're probably cooler on some strange level now. They both said it makes so much sense.” She pauses and turns to Oscar. “Mya spent an hour crying over you. She thought you were dead. I haven’t seen her cry since she was a little girl. She thought her father took away the first person that in her words…could handle her shit.” She turns back to me. “However, I don’t like this mess. The thought of Mya dating someone within the criminal framework bothers me. Also…Cisco and Mya involved with the distribution of guns, even for the greater good, is not ideal to me. So, honey. This decision is all yours. I’ll support whatever you decide.”

We both stare down at Oscar, who awaits his fate. He remains calm as usual.

“What if I were to offer to switch places with Cisco? I join. He exits,” I ask, hopeful.

“The brothers would never allow it. He knows too much.”

“What if I were to join? Work alongside him.”

Nine whips her head to glare at me.

“You said you would support my choice. This is a way to keep him safe,” I remind her.

She throws her hands up, clearly pissed.

“Once they know who you are, they’re going to be honored to have you on board.”

I nod.

“Set up a meeting as soon as possible.”

“Are you sure? There is no out after you vow.”