“I’m here to pick you up. You have an engagement with Oscar at 8 pm.”
No fucking way. I grit my teeth, close my eyes then and shake my head.
“You tell Oscar I said he can jerk off to his fifty grand, solo.”
The guy doesn’t blink or move. I’m not even sure he’s human.
“I’ve been given clear instructions to get you there by any means necessary.” He flashes me his gun on one side and taser on the other. “Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?”
I flash him my gun. “We can have a shootout in this bitch if you want, but I’m not…”
“Who’s at the door?” Dad’s voice rings out from somewhere down the hall.
I look nervously behind me. Nothing scares me more than my father. I’ve seen him bring grown men to tears. He’s scary to watch sometimes. He’s also a vault of secrets and that tells me one thing. He knows some dirt, or he’s done some sketchy shit.
“Look. If my dad comes out here, everyone will die, and then, if by chance, I survive, I have to explain who you are, why you’re here, and what we bought today…and that there would unravel our operation. So, let’s get moving, Baldy.”
“It’s clear now. I can almost see why he likes you,” he says sarcastically, with zero emotion on his face.
“Hilarious,” I say, fake smiling as I step out and close the door behind me.
Baldy grabs my arm and escorts me to the parked limo out front.
“Gun!” he demands.
“Really? You’re worried about little ol’ me.”
He motions for the gun. I comply and hand mine over. He opens the door and then waves for me to get in. I slide in as Baldy slams the door. Inside, there is another man there to babysit me, I presume. We sit there staring at each other in silence.
“Now, who the fuck are you?” I ask.
He remains silent. Not one word. I’ll call him Stonewall.
We drive for about twenty minutes until the car stops and Stonewall finally moves. He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a black bandana and holds it up with two hands.
“Is that for me? You want to blindfold me?”
He doesn’t answer. I exhale, annoyed, and then lean in and let him do his thing. I know how this goes. No one wants anyone to know where they live in this life. After he blindfolds me, I hear a knock on the window and then I feel the car start to move once more. We drive for maybe another ten to fifteen minutes and then the car stops again. I hear a door open and shut, and then I hear the door closest to me finally open.
“Hello, Hips,” I hear a familiar voice say. It’s Oscar.
A warm strong hand gently pulls me out by my elbow and unties my blindfold. My breath catches in my throat when I realize how close Oscar is to my face. I’m almost hypnotized. I didn’t realize how pretty his gray eyes were earlier. The way they stand out on his dark skin. In my anger, I also didn’t notice how tall he was, but now that I’m standing inches from his face, I’m thinking at least six feet tall. His masculine scent surrounds me as I try not to inhale. A good cologne is a pussy trap and I am not getting caught. I take a step back. He stands there in a blue, fitted suit, hair combed perfectly, and me, well, I’m wearing the same shit I did to pick up guns from him earlier.
“Is this what you typically wear to a date?” he inquires.
“I don’t date. It’s disappointing and time-consuming, and in all honesty, I didn’t take your offer seriously, nor do I actually want to be here but your driver made a very compelling argument that involved a gun and taser. So, forgive me if I didn’t put on my finest, your majesty.”
“Mya. I expected much more of a fight. I was a little disappointed when I heard you voluntarily got into that limo.”
Ooh, I hate him.
“How the fuck did you know where I live?”
He ignores the question.
“I just want dinner. That’s it, and then you can go…if you want.”
My insides itch at the thought of wasting any more of my free time with this douchebag.