“Daddy is very brave isn’t he?”
“You both are. You looked like superheroes out there.”
I kiss her on the forehead before I leave her room. I walk back to our room where Trig is sitting in front of the TV.
“We’re on every channel. It’s crazy. Thank God they blurred out our faces.”
“Well, the day’s not over yet. Are you ready for some more crazy?”
He turns and looks at me. I pull a pregnancy test out from my bag. I nod toward the bathroom and we both trail over. Trig leans up against the door frame and stares forward. I delicately pull the test out of the wrapping and adjust myself on the toilet.
“I’m pretty sure you have to pee on it to get a result, babe.”
“I know. Just stop rushing me.”
I stand up, push my pants down, and sit on the toilet again. Trig is almost gawking at me. I motion my hands for him to turn away.
“Really?” he says, and turns around. “There’s not an inch on your body I haven’t seen already.”
“Trig!” I bark.
I relax and pee on the stick. I then place the cap back on it, and set it on the edge of the sink counter top. I flush the toilet and then wash my hands. Trig turns around.
“It takes a few minutes,” I say.
He walks past me and then he takes a peek at the test. I stare at him nervously, waiting for him to say something.
“How many lines is it supposed to show if you are?”
He looks back to the test and then to me. I see a smile come across his face.
“Looks like we have another cub to protect.”
“Oh my gosh! Really? Keeping one alive is hard enough.”
I grab at my chest and exhale. He strolls over and grabs me.
“We got this. Just remember. ‘We are animals and we will fuck you up,’” he mimics me again. I smile.
“You’re not going to let me live that one down, are you?”
“Hell no. It was kind of sexy the way you said it too. You almost had bigger balls than me.”
I laugh and turn my head. He places his hands on both sides of my face.
“You, me, our daughter, and that little bun in there, it’s us to the end.”
“It always has been and it always will be,” I add.
Trig leans down and kisses me. “Until the wheels fall off, baby.”
“I’m not even sure I want to bring another baby into this world after today. I thought we were safe up here. The fear I saw in Mya’s eyes today at the bank wrecked me.”
He lifts my chin up.
“It’s the same fear I saw in your eyes that night at the hotel with Victor. I will never let anything happen to my girls, ever. Trust me on that.” He takes my hand. “I want to show you something. Just don’t get mad.”