Page 86 of Nine

“I didn’t have to go then.”

I roll my eyes.

“Let’s just all go inside. If Stacy’s working, she’ll let Mya go back and use the restroom.”

We park the car and enter the bank. I look around for Stacy, and I don’t see her. Stacy is a teller that has worked here for years. She usually handles our big deposits and loves it when I bring Mya in. She’s let her use the employee restroom before, but not everyone there is as nice as she is.

“There’s no line. I’m going to go deposit this. See if someone else will let you take Mya back to the bathroom. I’d do it but that stupid cashier’s check is in my name.”

I hurry up to the counter. I can hear Trig behind me talking to the girl at customer service about Mya.

“No. Sorry, sir. The bathroom inside is for employees only. It’s too close to the vault to let customers back there.”

“She’s three. What do you think she’s going to do? She just needs to pee.”

“Sorry, sir. I can’t allow that.”

I’m talking to the teller when Trig brings Mya up to me.

“They won’t let her. I’ll just run her over to the gas station across the street.”


Just as Trig turns around all hell breaks loose.

“Get down on the ground! This is a robbery!” a man yells.

I swing around to see a man with a shotgun. He looks like he’s out of it. His face reminds me of how my parents used to look when they would be high. His hands are twitchy and his eyes are red. The bank employees out on the floor immediately duck down. A customer standing close to me makes a run for it. The robber turns and fires off a shot into the back of the man. Blood burst through his chest and he collapses just inches from the door. Several people gasp and whimper.

“See what happens when you don’t fucking listen?” he screams.

I grab Mya and tuck her behind me. She’s crying and holding onto my leg. I glance over at Trig who hasn’t moved a muscle. The robber turns and looks at us.

“I said; get the fuck down on the ground. What are you, deaf?”

We toss our hands up and slowly drop to our knees.

“Except you,” he points to me. “Come here, blondie.” He snorts.

Trig steps up on one knee to intervene. The robber turns his gun on Trig.

“Don’t you make a single move or I’ll blow your brains out right here.”

I stand up and remove Mya who has now attached herself to my back. She’s reaching out for me and sobbing.

“Baby, I need you to go with Daddy.”

“Mommy, no,” she cries out.

“Somebody shut that brat up,” the robber says.

Trig pulls her into his arms. The robber storms toward me and grabs me in a gun chokehold.

“I want all the money this bank has to offer in a bag, or this bitch dies.”

He backs up and looks around the bank.

“You. Money. Now.” He points to a teller.