“What the fu—?” I go to say.
He briefly places one finger up to my lips.
“Proper ladies don’t cuss.”
“Nothing about me is proper.”
“Well, let’s change that then,” he says.
He extends his elbow out to me, and I curl my fingers around his bicep. We walk out and the suspense is killing me. He holds my hand as we go down the elevator and out to the entry of the hotel. He stops and nods to a black limo that is waiting out front. The driver walks around to let us in, but Trig stops him.
“I got it.”
“Ohhhh fancy, Mr. Krackle.”
He opens my door and lets me in first.
“And a gentleman too. I like that.”
“I’m always a gentleman.” He winks.
“I’ll give you that much.”
I look out the window, anxious. I’m dressed like I’m about to attend a wedding, or rather, be in one. Trig reaches over and grabs my hand.
“So, you’re really not going to tell me where were going?”
He shakes his head. I frown.
“It would ruin the surprise.”
We drive down a few streets and then the limo parks outside a high school. I see tons of kids getting out of cars and limos dressed up like we are. Holy shit. We’re at a prom. I turn to Trig. He smiles and holds up a corsage.
“Will you go to prom with me?”
I laugh.
“We’re kind of already here. It would be mean to say no at this point.” I pause. “Yes. I’ll go to prom with you.” I grin.
He slides the corsage on my wrist. I watch him get out on his side, and then he comes around and opens my door. I step out, arm and arm with Trig. I can hear music playing from somewhere inside the school.
“This is crazy. How are we even getting in there?”
“I’ve got game, that’s how.”
We walk up to where the other kids are checking in. An older woman standing on the opposite side of a table from us looks at me, and then Trig.
“Mr. Krackle. How are you? Is this the lovely young lady?”
She points at me. I just stare.
“It is.”
“Come in, please. I am so glad we can make this wish come true for you both, and I just want to thank you for your large donation to the school. We are so honored to have you here tonight.”
I look at Trig like he’s an alien.
“The pleasure is all mine. Anything for the kids.”