I perk up at the word clients.
“That I can do.”
Trig looks concerned.
“What? That’s not what I meant. I’m just good at pulling in business.”
“This is a whole new ball game, Nine. The approach is different.”
“It’s Angelina. I think we should start using our new names already.”
Trig smiles.
“Excuse me, Angelina,” he corrects himself.
I put the camera to my chest and tap my nails against it. Trig loves photography, and for me, I can learn to love it. I’ve started a business before, I can do it again, but this time it will be something I can brag about. I won’t have to hide what I do, and the best part is that my co-partner is hot as fuck.
“Krackle Photos Incorporated.” I pause. “Let’s do it,” I say.
“Yes. My little eagle has taken her flight.”
“Sure, make jokes. Where did you hear that eagle story from anyway?
Motivationalspeakers.com,” I sarcastically ask.
“How did you know?” He wags his eyebrows once. “No. I saw it on YouTube. It was hard-hitting and it stuck in my head. Somebody made it up to inspire others.”
“Wait. It’s not real?”
Trig looks at my face, and then he starts cracking up.
“I did mention to you prior that it was just a myth.”
“I didn’t hear the myth part. Let me remind you that I wasn’t all there that night.”
I tap my finger to my temple.
“That’s your fault. No one told you to go and get all coked up.”
My mouth falls open.
“You’re such an asshole. Stop bringing up old shit.”
Trig grabs my waist and pulls me into him.
“It’s a great story. It worked. Why are you mad?”
“I’m not. I just felt really bad for that poor bird.”
Trig laughs hard. He’s cracking up so hard my body is vibrating in his grasp.
“Stop laughing at me. You make me feel stupid.”
He presses his lips together in a smile. He can hardly contain himself.
“I hate you,” I say with a smirk.
“Me? Look at this face. You could never hate this.”