Page 65 of Nine

Mariella looks at me strangely. It feels really odd to claim him as mine. We haven’t really discussed what terms to use for each other, and in this moment, I wish we had.

Suddenly, eyeliner guy pops up.

“Hello, stranger!” He winks at Trig. “I see you returned. Hopefully to see me.”

Trig slightly turns and looks at me as if he might just throw up in his mouth.

“What’s the total?” Trig says to Mariella, ignoring the guy.

“One seventy five.”

“For a haircut and dye? Ludicrous.”

“Oh baby, this ain’t no cuts-for-less type place,” the guy teases.

Trig takes out money and pushes it toward Mariella.

“Keep the change.”

Trig turns toward me and nods for the door.

“Come back anytime, and bring that stallion with you,” eyeliner guy yells out from behind us.

Trig just tosses up a hand and politely waves bye in a sloppy kind of motion.

As soon as we get outside, he looks at me and smiles.


“I’m really sorry about that. It slipped and–”

“Nine. We’re living together. We’ve slept together multiple times, and last night I just beat the hell out of a guy for you. Let me also mention the fact that some form of deep affection was expressed from both sides. Maybe it was the anger that made me say it, and maybe it was the drugs that made you, but if I’m not your man then I don’t know what else to call it.”

“So, this is us giving it a go then?” I question.

“If you’re down, then I’m down.”

He stops walking, turns and grabs my waist. His hands are planted firmly on my back.

“What if we mess this up?”

“What if we don’t?” he counters.

I think about it for a few seconds. I look away and nod.

“Okay.” I say. “Boyfriend and girlfriend. Let’s do it.”

I now pronounce us two sick and twisted fucks in love. I just know with Trig being the way he is, and me being me, things are guaranteed to get interesting.

Chapter 10. Point and Shoot

Three weeks ago, we officially became a couple, and to my surprise, the days have just gotten better. We still argue, but what couple doesn’t? We’re growing and learning and we’re doing this as a unit. And with all of the shit we’ve been through, it isn’t easy, but we’ve managed to make this thing work between us. I didn’t think it was possible, but here we are in love and still arguing of course. Some things never change.

“It’s easy. You just point and shoot,” he says.

“Easy for you. You know what you’re doing.”

“With practice it gets better. Trust me.”