“Holy shit,” I say, as I swing around.
I thank the artist profusely and run over to show Trig. I stand above him, with my shirt pulled up. He takes in the gun pointing down toward my hip. It’s partially shaded in on some areas and it’s pretty big in size. It runs about two inches below my armpit and ends right at the bottom of my ribcage. It’s really gorgeous.
“That’s sexy,” he says.
He stops to read the words that run slightly above the handle of the gun. “Consumed by love.” He looks at me. “I’m jealous. What man consumes you?”
He gives me a naughty smile.
“You’re kidding, right?” I ask.
He nods.
“It better be me, or some asshole is getting his dome smashed in.”
I smirk.
“All done in honor of my dark hero.” I bite my thumbnail.
“It’s hot. You’re hot. The whole damn thing is hot.”
“Let’s get you bandaged up, girl,” the artist says.
I stand on my tiptoes and give Trig a peck on the lips before I turn to get my side doctored up. I’m in so much awe of my tat and piercing that I can’t stop smiling. We pay before leaving and then we walk down the street, and I’m still running high off adrenaline.
“It’s just ink on my skin, but I kind of feel free now. Is that weird?” I say.
“No. You’re doing things that you want do, and these things make you happy.”
“I feel so alive today. Ohhhh look!” I yell, and point.
Trig turns to see what I’m staring at.
“No way. I’m not going in there. It looks very girlie.”
“Come on, please,” I beg.
His body slumps forward. I drag Trig over to the shop. It takes even more effort to get him inside. A man wearing eyeliner and glossy lipstick greets us as we approach the front desk.
“Welcome to Vivi’s hair spa. How can I help you two?”
His eyebrows look like they were drawn on with way too much fierce this morning, because I can’t tell whether he’s upset or excited. Trig immediately spins around and tries to leave. I grab his arm and pull him back.
“I need a dye and cut.”
“Mariella can take you back in just a second. How about that one?” Eyeliner guy says, and points to Trig.
“I don’t need anything. I’m fine. Thank you,” Trig replies quickly.
“Yes. You. Are,” eyeliner guys shoots back, as he drinks in Trig with his eyes.
Trig looks at me. “You’re on your own. I’m going out to get more coffee. I’ll be back later.”
I laugh at the situation. Trig hurries out of this place like his pants are on fire.
“Mariella will take you now.” He walks me back to a short, pretty blonde girl with scissors in her hand. I sit down and stare into the mirror. She stands behind me.
“Are we cutting it today or just styling?”