The man smiles, walks away, and disappears into the crowd.
“What was that about?”
“Social security cards, birth certificates and passports.” Trig says.
He looks at me and I know he can see my red eyes and flushed skin. I quickly look down.
He hands me a passport.
“This is yours.”
I open it.
“Angelina Krackle. What in the hell type of name is that? I grab his passport and look at his name. “Mike Krackle. Oh great, we’re either married or related. What’s your real name, anyway?”
“Trigger Matthews.”
“Are you being serious?”
“Yes. My brother was named Hunter. Don’t ask me about the names. Can we go now?”
“This says you’re twenty-eight.”
“Yup.” He blows out air in frustration.
“Are you?”
“Yes, Nine. I am. Can we talk about this later, like when we land in a new country?”
I squint my eyes at him.
“Don’t worry about the names. You can always change it later.”
I continue to look down at my passport.
“My picture’s on here, but it looks Photoshopped. I take it he altered our pictures so that we can get through check-in. How did that guy even have time to do this?”
“I talked to him two days ago. I had him prepare them just in case. He hacked into a few sites and obtained our photos. I tossed your purse out shortly after.”
“So you knew you might be leaving town.”
“I figured it might come down to it.”
“And you just knew I would come with?”
“More like I hoped you would.”
I look out over the crowd of people. I spot a pay phone in the distance. I have to do it. I have to hear those messages from her. I know he won’t let me make the call once we leave here. I walk toward one. I can hear Trig calling my name behind me, but I ignore him. I put the bags down by my feet once I reach a booth. I dig in my pocket for a few quarters until I realize I have none. I ask a man standing by for a few. He smiles and hands me fifty cents. The man lingers over me, until Trig steps into his view, and then he turns and walks off. I insert the coins and punch in my cell number.
“Who are you calling?” he asks.
His hand is on my wrist. I scowl at him.
“My voicemail. Now remove your hand.”
He knows why I’m calling it. I have to hear her. I push my code in and listen. Jenny’s voice comes on and it’s like a shock to my ears.
“Nine, where are you? Call me back.”