I slowly reach up and pull his face down to mine. Just before our lips touch, bright lights start flashing all around us and the music cuts off. I pull away and look at the circle of people gathered close by. A few photographers are still snapping pictures of us when a loud voice comes on over the speaker. I spin around to look at the stage. The woman we first met when we came in is now standing up there and looking at Trig and me. My insides cringe and I feel overwhelmed as the spotlight shines on us now.
“I guess a few of you are wondering what these two beautiful people are doing here. Well, let me tell you. Last week this young gentleman came to me. He told me his wife Angelina had never been to prom because of a tragedy that occurred in her youth. He asked me if he could make it up to her tonight by bringing her here. She had no idea. Tonight was a complete surprise to her. I know normally we only do one prom king and queen, but I think tonight we can handle two.”
The gymnasium goes crazy. Kids are smiling and hollering and everyone is looking at us. I feel like I’m about to throw up. This is all too crazy. I look at Trig. He gives me his famous grin.
“Can we get you two up here?” The lady smiles and waves us forward. “Come on.”
I can’t walk. My feet are planted on the floor. Suddenly everyone clears a path for us. Trig has to lightly nudge my arm to get me to move. We finally make our way up to the stage, hand in hand. I look out over the crowd of kids who are yelling and clapping. I smile out of embarrassment. My cheeks must be a bright shade of red because I can feel the heat on my face. The woman pulls out a crown and places it on my head, and then she does the same to Trig.
“I crown you two this year’s honorary prom queen and king.”
The crowd starts to whistle, scream, and clap.
I tell her, thank you. We both face the crowd and nod.
“I’m going to kill you,” I say through my teeth as I lean into him. The smile on my face hasn’t left yet and neither has the one on his. He leans into me.
“Baby, tonight I’m going to give it to you so hard that you won’t want to.”
I blush again. The clapping and yelling finally subside. We make our way off the stage as they bring up the real queen and king. The two kids look super happy and not bothered once by the little show they had for us.
“I can’t believe you told them to do that.”
“No. That back there wasn’t me. I didn’t request her to crown us.”
I look at him, unconvinced. I cross my arms and stare him down.
He finally laughs and holds one hand over his stomach.
“Okay. I might have mentioned you, but certainly not me.”
I walk up to him and grab him by the lapel.
“Your wife? Honorary prom queen? You are in so much trouble, Mr. Krackle.”
“I just want to see you happy.”
I look around the room at all the cheerful young couples. A few of them are sneaking kisses on the dance floor and the others are discreetly making out in dark corners.
“If we were a teen couple I would have totally made out with you behind the bleachers, just so you know,” I say.
“And I would have totally tried to get laid on prom night, just so you know.”
“I would have let you try, and maybe even helped you succeed.” I smile.
“My mind just went to a dirty place, and it doesn’t feel right thinking about those things while being here around all of these young bucks.”
I bite my lip.
“We could always take this conversation somewhere more private. Maybe the limo.”
“Say no more.”
He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the exit.
We are practically running toward the limo and laughing all the way there. I almost feel like a teenager. We climb inside and slam the door closed. Trig raises the middle partition as I move in close to him. He pulls back.
“Wait!” he says.