“So, what’s a pretty girl like you doing all by herself?”
“Just getting a drink. A day like this demands it.”
“I have something much stronger if you want it.”
I stay in character, but I’m not sure what he means.
“Do you really? Lay it on me, cowboy.”
Frank looks around the club and then pulls out a vial from his pocket. He turns the vial over and taps it against the side of his thumb. I watch as a white powdery substance makes a crooked line on his skin. He bends down and snorts it all up his nose. His eyes become watery and then he slides me the vile. My heart quickens as I pick it up. I’ve never in my life done anything except weed. I’m nervous, and just as I’m about to hand it back to him with a clear no thank you, Trig’s words pop in my head. “How much does it cost to keep you here? How much do I have to pay to keep fucking you? You can’t turn a hoe into a housewife.”
I’m reminded of what I am, and exactly my worth. Trig has been playing me since day one. I angrily tap the vile against my thumb just like I saw the man do. The powder is now lined up on my skin. I quickly bend over and snort it up my nose just the way he did. My nose burns and my eyes water. Instantly I can feel something dripping down the back of my throat, and I’m filled with an unnatural amount of energy.
“This will have you feeling on top of the world. Trust me,” he says.
It takes a moment for it to all sink in and he’s right. I don’t feel a fucking thing. We are now sitting there twenty minutes later laughing and tossing drinks back. I love that I don’t have to think about pain, love, or death. This drug is exactly what I need. Frank takes another line from the vile and passes it to me. He puts his hand on my leg and squeezes my thigh. I push it away.
“What? Do I have to pay momma so she’ll come play with daddy?” he asks.
“What did you just say?”
“Don’t be shy. I know what you do. I can spot a hooker from a mile away. They call me the pussy whisperer.” He laughs. “I’m also a backdoor expert, if ya know what I mean.”
What the hell am I doing in the bar with this jerk? I can’t stand the way this guy looks at me. I’m just a piece of meat to him. The pussy whisperer. How gross can he be? I can hear the guy mumbling now about going back to his place and how tonight he is going to blow my mind.
I look down at the vial in my hand. I’ll just self-medicate until everything is better. I open the tiny bottle and line the powder up on my thumb and just as I’m about to bend over I feel somebody smack my hand away.
I look up to see Captain Save-a-Hoe standing above me.
“What the fuck are you giving her?” Trig yells at Frank.
Frank bolts upright and jumps back to assess the situation.
I stand up completely off balance. It’s not until now that I realize just how jittery I am.
“You don’t get to do this,” I yell, and push at Trig’s chest.
“Shut up, Nine,” he shouts, and shoves me back. He returns his attention to Frank.
“There must be a mistake. That young woman there is with me tonight.”
“The hell she is,” Trig shouts.
“I’m leaving with him, Trig,” I say, just to piss him off.
“You heard her.” Frank smiles. “Now, go on and get out of here.”
Trig turns and looks at me and then over to the man, and within seconds, Trig’s fist is whaling into the guy’s face. The customers in the bar spread out and circle around us. I’m pulling on Trig’s arm, but it’s useless. This man’s face is a bloody mess. I just know that his nose and jawbone are broken, probably in separate places. If Trig keeps this up, the guy will be dead soon.
“Trig, stop! I’ll leave with you. Just stop, please,” I scream.
It takes a few more hits, but he ceases. He’s breathing hard and his knuckles are covered in blood. The man on the floor is moaning in pain. Trig grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the bar and down the street. He stops right as we get to the sand.
“What the fuck, Nine?” he yells.
“You’re asking me that question?”
“Hell yeah, I am. Look what you caused me to do.”