Page 55 of Wrecked (Forever 4)

“I feel it again . . . I’m coming, Hunter.”

I looked down to see him watching me intensely. “Don’t fight it, Lorrie. Let go. Let me see you come.”

I came again. The world turned dark for a moment and my body trembled from the aftershocks. I panted for my breath and struggled to recollect the pieces of my mind. “Oh god Hunter, you make me come so hard . . .”

“We’re not done yet, Lorrie,” he grunted, desire oozing from his voice making me want him even more.

He reached into a bedside drawer and brought out a shiny packet. After sheathing himself, he pulled back the covers and we curled up beneath his sheets. He wrapped one arm across my chest holding me tightly as we lay sideways with my back to him. I felt him nudging at my entrance. Realizing how big he was, I was suddenly grateful for the orgasms loosening me in preparation to receive him.

“You ready?” he whispered into my ear.

I bit my lip and nodded, eager to feel him inside me.

Hunter pushed his hips forward slowly, parting my folds with his c**k and beginning to slide in gently. “Ah, god. You’re so tight, Lorrie.”

I sucked in a deep breath as the head cleared. “It’s been a while since I’ve been with someone,” I answered softly.

“You’re so gorgeous. I’m so glad you’re with me.” He pushed in to the hilt and I moaned from the sensation.

He started with slow, gentle thrusts allowing me to accommodate to his size and the feeling of impossible fullness. I reached back to grip his bu**ocks, encouraging him. His drives came harder and quicker, pulling cries of pleasure from both our lips. After an extended period, I came for a third time. As I contracted around him, he growled painfully. He thrust a few more times then I felt the condom fill with his hot seed.

I didn’t know how long we lay there, our bodies fit together like spoons. I was so exhausted from all the crying and all the climaxes that I had lost track of time. As I listened to Hunter’s steady breathing in my ear—vaguely musing on the orgasm hat trick he had performed—I dozed off.

Chapter Eighteen


Sunlight flickered against my face, bringing me slowly to consciousness. I woke to find myself nestled beneath Hunter’s chin. My arms were around him and his arms were around me. My heart beat steadily, calmly. The moment was like when I fell asleep on his couch while watching horror movies. Except this time, there was no question about whether we had sex. I vividly remembered the tears and multiple orgasms from last night. I remembered the connection we’d made and the feelings that had poured out of both of us. I didn’t want to run this time. I wanted to stay in his bed and hoped I’d never have to leave.

I knew Hunter and I weren’t friends anymore. Friends didn’t fall asleep nestled together naked like lovers.

I shifted my leg which was wrapped over Hunter’s and realized his c**k was still inside me though no longer hard. I silently watched his chest rise and lower steadily with each breath, wondering how I ended up in this situation. This wasn’t a dream—there was no way I could dream up something this good.

Hunter’s eyes opened lazily. “Lorrie?”

“Morning, sleepyhead.” I ran a hand through his hair, tousling dark brown strands; the soft, silky strands slipping between my fingers was even better than I’d imagined it’d be.

He smiled. “You stayed.”

I smiled back. “Yes, I did,” I said softly.

He gently pulled me to him and we kissed.

“God, it’s so good to see you laying beside me,” he said. “If I woke up and found you weren’t here, I probably would’ve lost it.”

“It would take a major catastrophe to keep me away from you.” I nuzzled my nose against his, finding the hard edge soft and pliable. Gentle butterfly kisses stuttered our breaths as I ran my fingertips along his arm where the hammer was etched. I could hardly believe someone with such savagely beautiful muscles could be so tender. Hunter was unlike any guy I’d ever met—or probably would ever meet. He was a walking contradiction: fierce yet tender, strong but damaged. Soon our nuzzling became a mini-makeout session.

“Mmm I like kissing you,” he said. “Your lips are so soft, you’re so soft everywhere.” He gently squeezed my hips. “You’re like my favorite body pillow.” He wrapped his arms around me and crushed my br**sts against his chest.

“Your lips are soft too.” I touched his lips gently with my finger. “But everywhere else, you’re hard as a rock.” I poked his abs and he surprisingly giggled like the Pillsbury Doughboy. “So you really are ticklish?” I said, stunned. “You weren’t faking it last time.”

His expression was mock serious. “That’s my weakness. Please don’t tell my opponents.”

I laughed. “I can just imagine ‘Mr. Hyde’ taking you down and then tickling you in the ribs. ‘Goochy goochy goo!’ The ref would have to end the fight because people would be booing and throwing tomatoes into the ring.”

He chuckled and brushed my hair behind my ear. “You wouldn’t want to see two half-naked muscular guys tickling one another?”

I thought about it for a second. “Nah, I think that would be more silly than sexy. It just wouldn’t be very manly.”

“Ya know, one time I was sparring with Gary and he accidentally grabbed one of my ticklish spots and I started laughing. He thought I was making fun of him and he got pissed. Broke a punching bag and stormed off.”

“Gary did say you had a shitty ground game.”

“Did he?” Hunter chuckled again. “That sounds like him.”

“I could take you.” I smirked.

“Mmm . . . that sounds like a challenge. Well, Ms. Hide, shall we have a sparring session?”

We sparred for a long time, breaking all the MMA rules by using licking, biting, and deliberate groin attacks. By the time the sun had risen to its peak, we’d blown through four condoms and half a bottle of lube. But we were still without a winner. We were about to keep going but the kittens began mewing for their food.

“Ah, we should take a break and feed the babies their breakfast,” Hunter groaned, moments after filling up the fifth condom.

“Agreed,” I panted. I rested the back of my hand against my forehead noting the faint traces of sweat there. “We can continue this afterward.”

After putting on a pair of athletic shorts Hunter supplied me, I grabbed one of his infamous hoodies laying on the back of his desk chair. I slipped it on, zipped it up, and took a moment to inhale his manly scent lingering in the fabric.