Princess Nysia asked, “You’re not going to balk at that much travel once you’re newlyweds, are you?”
Vhannor smiled, squeezed Liris’ hand. “I’m confident we won’t. But that won’t leave time to look into what the demon said about lost realms, and I don’t doubt we’re going to need that information.”
Liris said, “Shry can take the lead on that.”
Vhannor’s eyes narrowed, and he regarded Shry thoughtfully. “We need to know what the demons know, and you can’t very well go undercover among demon servants.”
“I have an idea about that,” Shry said. “If it works, you’ll be happier with it than I am.”
Vhannor’s eyebrows lifted at that, but he nodded. “Let me know how it goes and if you need anything from me.”
Shry nodded in return. “I’ll talk to Inealu about the mission paperwork once we’re back, then.”
She waved and sauntered away, and Liris hid a grin. Shry hadn’t expected that easy acquiescence and was leaving before Vhannor could change his mind.
“We’ll talk more about coordination too,” Princess Nysia said, “later.” She too waved and strode away.
Liris faced Vhannor. “Everyone seems to think we need a minute.”
“Mhmm.” He bent forward and kissed her.
She was barely standing and conscious anyway, so when her knees buckled and Vhannor physically held her up but didn’t try to tell her they should stop, Liris didn’t even once have to think before letting herself melt into him, trusting him to support her.
When the catcalls started a minute later, they pulled apart with Liris grinning and Vhannor faintly pink. He took her hand and led her back toward the battlefield.
“There’s a place we should go once we’re married,” Vhannor said, eyes forward. “I haven’t been, so it’ll be new to both of us. There’s supposed to be a pool on the edge of a cliff that they heat with spells. It’s in the mountains, so you have a clear view of the night sky, and during the day, you can look over the edge and see the whole world before you.”
“I think I’ve heard of that one,” Liris said. “Isn’t there an old legend of lovers jumping off the edge and being able to fly? I always wondered if there was a hidden spell there. Do you know what the activating conditions would be?”
“I was thinking you might like to go find out.”
Liris looked up at him. “You know, when you said there was more after marriage, I thought you were promising me increasingly great sex.”
“That too.” Vhannor looked down at her then. “But also adventure together forever. If you want it.”
Liris gazed up at Vhannor, the Lord of Embhullor and her partner. At the expanse of sky beyond him, all the while hearing the murmur of people who supported her, and them, working around her.
She leapt toward him, and he caught her as she kissed him.
Liris leaned back in his arms, feeling the thrum of excitement in her as they spun together. Supported and free and with a purpose, always in flight.
“Always,” she answered, and kissed him again.
Then they led each other into their next adventure.