Page 139 of The Sundered Realms

“I didn’t think,” Liris said, “I’d ever prefer any vision of you to how you looked at the ball, when we looked like we belonged together.”

And then Vhannor didn’t wait for her after all—he went for her.

Closing the scant distance between them, he ran his hands up her arms, pale gold to her bronze.

“We do belong together,” he said.

Just their selves, as they were. No preparation. Raw and naked and glorious and them.

Vhannor lowered his mouth to hers, a slow seduction. Like he could convince her with just lips and tongue to hold still for him.

Then again, maybe he wanted her to move, because his hands found her breasts and Liris gasped into his mouth.

Vhannor swallowed the sound and never stopped, like he would drink all of her down and keep coming back for more forever.

Liris grasped him tightly as her head spun, using him as her anchor as he anchored himself to her. Feeling all of him, the strength and deliberation of his hands on her as she explored his body him in turn. Always focused on supporting her, no matter what he needed, and when she gripped his ass and his cock twitched in response, she decided she wasn’t going to stand for that.

With an act of will worthy of a powerful spellcast, she tore her sensitized body back from Vhannor to see him looking almost dazed, so completely had he focused on her.

He wasn’t the only one who could bring a powerful focus to bear.

Liris pushed him back onto the bed and crawled over him.

Vhannor opened his mouth—to ask, to protest, she didn’t know, because when she lifted one finger to her lips in a request for silence he went utterly still.

Except for his cock, which twitched again.

His lids lowered as he watched her raptly for whatever she might do next. Trusting her completely, without a word, and Liris couldn’t think about everything that meant right now.

She had ambitions.

She brushed her hair to one side and looked at Vhannor through her lashes. She knew full well what she looked like—she’d trained this in the mirror—but watching Vhannor’s breath stop filled her with power and made her wonder if she did, in fact, look different now.

Now that she believed she had power.

Now that she had him.

Liris drew a single finger down from the center of his chest to his stomach, his abs bunching and flexing with the light touch.

Then with a light brush of her nails over his cock, standing at attention and leaking, as he gripped the mattress to hold still, Liris softly cast an anti-pregnancy spell.

“I’m a quick study,” she murmured, kissing the spell low on his abdomen, and then his tip as Vhannor choked. “Are you a good teacher?”

His eyes blazed up at her. “Find out.”

Liris didn’t think she could feel any hotter, but at that challenge she went liquid.

Positioning herself over him, she dragged his cock through her folds. They both hissed.

“You didn’t think,” she managed, “I was going to be passive, did you?”

Vhannor reached up to grip her hips. “Never.”

And then Liris couldn’t wait any longer, and lowered herself onto his length.

Slowly, little by little. Every part of her so sensitized she couldn’t tell if she was, in fact, enjoying this.

But Vhannor let her lead. His hands held her hips for stability, guidance, but he made no move to control this because he would wait for her when she needed him to. And Liris ached for him somewhere deep inside, so she kept going until she was full of him.