Page 83 of The Sundered Realms

Liris, meanwhile, wore the same thing she wore every day, because she had a limited stipend and was focusing all her time on work. Black leggings, black ankle boots, a loose tunic over the top. Today’s was pale green, because she’d only acquired them in shades not common in Serenthuar.

It was silly to feel outclassed in her own—sort of—kitchen, especially since he was a lord of Isendhor.

In her defense, she had not been prepared to be struck with such a flattering view of him.

Liris wasn’t sure what she should have been prepared for from him, given how they’d left things yesterday.

Finally she managed, “Visiting Shry?”

Her words started the world moving again. “Yes and no. I apologized to her earlier, and she said I could wait for you here while she’s out practicing.”

The kitchen wasn’t that cramped—space enough for a small table and chairs in the center, counters and appliances along the walls—but as Liris shut the door behind her it felt small.

This was silly. They were partners. They’d been so before yesterday—before she’d created a firestorm, before he’d kissed her forehead—


“Well, that’s less creepy than if you’d just used your key to let yourself in,” Liris said.

Vhannor scowled. “I told Shry it would be weird.”


He frowned until he saw she was holding back a smile, then rolled his eyes.

“Take a seat,” Vhannor said, opening a cupboard and taking another cup. “I know you rise as early as I do, but I thought I’d have time to get tea going first.”

“Thank you, I will sit in my own kitchen,” Liris said, nevertheless doing so.

He winced. “Sorry. Habit.”

Maybe someday they’d get to a place where he didn’t feel obligated to apologize to her every other sentence or have cause to do so, but apparently at least a few more confessions or kisses were required first.

“I know. I’m still teasing.” And feeling strangely giddy at the sight of him so comfortable in her space.

Which was sillier. It was Shry’s house, and he’d probably spent a lot more time here than she ever had.


“I’m fairly certain I should be making tea for you,” Liris pointed out.

“Indulge me,” he said, draping his coat over one chair.

Leaving her with a better view of his backside while he brewed tea for her with appreciable ease?

Well. If he insisted.

“Do you not have tea at your house?” Liris asked, then paused. “Where is your house, anyway?”

“I don’t have one here,” he explained, carrying two mugs over. Liris took a deep breath of cinnamon and honey. “I’m not typically at the University for any length of time, so I take rooms on campus.”

“And when you’re in town for longer, you stay in my room. Ah. I mean—“

Vhannor flashed a grin as he sat down. “The last few weeks have been... something of a wake-up. Inealu has been pushing me to set up my own household here for ages, but I wanted to avoid my personal space inevitably becoming a political space. This way, anyone who needed to feel welcome, I gave into her care. Anyone I wanted to impress, I used official resources for.”

Liris sipped the tea, warmth spooling through her. “And now?”

“Now,” he said, his eyes sparking in a way that was becoming—amazingly—familiar, “I have to meet you in my little sister’s kitchen. The least I can do is make tea.”