Page 18 of The Sundered Realms

“You’ll do whatever I say.”

Liris hesitated. “I will endeavor to take your suggestions when it comes to spellcasting, yes.”

“No. Adjust your mindset, because they won’t be suggestions. If I tell you to do something while you’re inside that circle, and you don’t do it, you die. And I don’t think you want that.”

He slammed another demon with a pair of spells.

Liris wondered how many of those he had prepared, and how many he had left, and decided it didn’t matter.

She would succeed or she would die.

It was just another test.

“I will treat your suggestions with the same seriousness and alacrity as though they were from my elders, before they decided I could be sacrificed,” Liris said.

“That’ll have to do.” Then he muttered, “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

Liris couldn’t either. She felt a fluttering in her chest. “Don’t field casters work in teams?”

He met her eyes, and the icy strength in his gaze was practically palpable. “I’m an exception, but if I’d had any indication of a real portal concern there’d be a team here instead. Still. I’m an exception because I’m the very best at this, Liris. I will guide you through this, and I won’t lose you.”

Unlike Serenthuar.

In his cool voice he asked, “Are you ready?”

Always. “Yes.”

He passed her a blank pad of paper and a pen. “Get in position as fast as you can.”

“Get in what position?”

“A person can’t enter a spell by accident. You’ll need to trace the outermost circle in order to access its magic. I know the spell is floating in the air—put your pen on the paper and just walk through the line. Once you’re inside, don’t say or do anything until you can hear me. Do you understand?”

“Why won’t I be able to hear you?”

“You will. You’ll be adjusting to the magic. Tell me the first step in the dispelling pattern.”

She did.

“Good. Any questions?”

So many. Liris smiled faintly and shook her head.

“Then go. I’ll direct you.”

Liris went.

As soon as she positioned herself on the edge of the circle, shadows flew at her.

She’d held completely still, not moving.

Liris felt the whiz of the spell zipping past her as it knocked the demon aside.

“Well done,” Lord Vhannor said, his voice steady and, even though he was still utterly controlled, she could hear the honest appreciation in it.

A hint of true warmth, just for her.

Liris focused on that. Before the demon had been captured in the protection spell, she’d had no time to think about anything other than survival—now she had to shove down her fear that she was trusting another person who was trying to kill her. This could all be a setup, and he was with Jadrhun after all—