Page 13 of Finding Forgiveness

My attention is brought back to the table. We are having a family barbeque at Gunners after the men get out of church, something I implemented months back. The club did them sparingly, but I wanted to bring our family together, leaving all our shit at the door and getting to know each other better. Mostly, it has been a success, except for Princess, who has only shown up a few times and only because Gunner threatened to cut her off.

“If she loses her shit, I’ll have Sin razzle-dazzle her skull when she comes back. What the fuck is going on with her, anyway? She’s been gone for months.” Bellamy says, looking at me for answers. Answers I don’t have.

“That’s Sin. She’s a secretive little shit when she wants to be. What is it that Pain calls her? Sneaky Kitten Extraordinaire. Well, damn if she didn’t live up to the name.” I say, wiping Aila's chin as she babbles. I chuckle when she claps her hands, getting applesauce all over her face, making me have to wipe her down again. Bell chuckles at her daughter, pulling her son’s bottle from his mouth and adjusting him.

“Mom, I really think he can handle knowing. Taz was fine after he woke up from hitting his head on air and tripping, and then falling asleep for five minutes after I told him." She quotes the last part. “He was ok. He asked a shitload of questions. And then asked a shitload about the babies. As you know, after you and I explained things, he calmed the hell down. He is too excited to be there when you tell Pops. I honestly think Taz wants Pops to flip out worse than he did, so he doesn’t feel like such a pussy.” We both chuckle. I know he wants to be there, and I believe Bell is correct as to why.

Bellamy leans and whisper yells into my ear. “You're not inviting Petty Patty, are you?” I chuckle and look at my daughter and see a hopeful and mischievous glint in her eyes. She cannot stand her sister, and that feeling has worsened over the last few months. Before, Bell could at least try to tolerate her. Now it’s damn near an all-out war when they are in the same room together for two long. And it is all because of the shit Princess pulled during the wedding. If she had let shit go and not involved Taz’s sisters in her scheming, shit wouldn’t be this bad; even though Bell doesn’t start shit, she is a lot harsher than she had been in the past.

“No, I don’t trust her to keep her shit together and her mouth shut. This isn’t just a secret that is my own. You, your brother, cousins, and little sister can be affected if the wrong person says the wrong thing, at the wrong time, to the wrong people.” Bell bobs her head in agreement. “Until I can trust her, it will be your brothers and dad.”

“Oh… Ooh.” Bellamy hops out of her seat, scarring Xavier Junior when she jolts him in her arms while running around the table toward me. I stare at her wide-eyed, wondering what the hell is wrong with my child.

Without preamble, she plops down in the chair next to me, grabs my forearm with her talons, and yanks me toward her. She is so close I can smell the nasty ass oatmeal she ate for breakfast on her breath. And I’m two point-five seconds away from smacking my nutty daughter upside her dramatic ass head and shoving a Tic Tac in her mouth.

This time, she whispers. “Remember when you were bitching out Pop because he was being a dick for no reason, and you knew something was going on, but he wouldn’t tell you? And you did the tappity tap thing, and Blaze went and did whatever you wanted him to do. P.S. I’m mad I wasn’t included in that secret squirrel mission. Hennyways, Taz said…” She pauses and looks around. I assume to see if anyone is listening. I chuckle at her crazy ass. The main room is deserted. They sent the whores away until tomorrow because we were having a family barbecue tonight. Most of the ol’ ladies are in the kitchen preparing. Bell and I are only out here to feed the babies before we get back to it.

“So, like I was saying. You had Blaze do his thing. When he did, he found some stuff that had to do with the club and whatever has had them all pissy lately. He took what he found to Spider…” She gives me a pointed look like I should know this, but I don’t. I completely forgot that I asked him to do it. And I am not at all surprised that he took it to the club and not me. His immersion into the club means sometimes his sister, and I are left out of shit. If it has nothing to do with us, the organization, or our immediate family, he leaves us out, and I’m not mad about it.

Bell continues. “I finally found out what that was all about. I may or may not have withheld the poom poom to get all the deets from Taz. And he may have tried to make me promise not to tell, but… Hennyways. He didn’t want me to tell you until he’d talked to Pop first. He hasn’t, since you're looking at me like your booty is sore.” I chuckle, knowing why she said booty, the whole no-cussing around the babies thing, has my daughter saying some crazy shit. Bell leans closer, causing my nose to scrunch, which she ignores, lowering her voice even further. “Someone is robbing the club, and from last I heard, it’s a chick sneaking in and out of the gas stations, bypassing all Spiders’ shit. Even Blaze is having difficulty figuring out how she’s doing it. After Blaze showed him what he could find, Spider pulled him in to help figure out better options to catch the bitch. Anyway, that’s not the good part, though...” Her eyes get wide. Then, before I can question her, she is up and out of her seat, running away like her ass is on fire.

“Oops, gotta go.” She yells over her shoulder.

“TORNADO!” Taz bellows.

Turning in my seat after hearing my son-in-law's irritated voice. My eyes connect with Gunners, who, with narrowed eyes, watch as our daughter scampers away. Noticing that all the brothers are filing out of church. I shake my head at this crazy family of mine. There is never a dull damn moment.

“Sorry honey, have to um… uh…. Change the baby's diaper…” She lifts Junior up, smelling his diaper-covered butt and scrunching her nose. “Oh wee, kid. Damn, you do stink.” Bell says as she continues to ignore her man. Going into the bathroom at the end of the hallway. The sound of the slamming door reverberates through the room as the brothers stand, staring in various states of amusement and disbelief. It also causes Aila to cry, which has her father racing over to me to comfort his little angel girl. Handing her over to him, I smile as I watch the big brute cradle my grandbaby in his arms, cooing down at her to calm her down.

“I swear you can’t tell her ass sh... um, anything.” He says, looking down at Aila correcting himself because Bell will have his ass if she hears he cussed in front of the babies. And there is no doubt someone would snitch. Her brothers and the brothers of the club love to watch the show when Bell goes in on him about his mouth. Oh, how having babies has changed that child of mine. Taz continues talking to the baby. “But if I don’t give her something, she holds out on me, and I…” Taz huffs out and stomps toward the bathroom Bell disappeared into.

“If you say another motherfucking word, I will castrate you with a dull butter knife. That’s my sister.” Blaze says, getting a smack on the back of their head from Pain. “Shit,” He says, turning his head and looking over at me. “My bad, baby girl...” But when he doesn’t see the baby in my arms, he turns around and punches Pain in the stomach, causing him to double over. “Fucker, the babies aren’t even here.” He says through gritted teeth, more annoyed than anything.

“Great, now we have to wait to eat. You know damn well what they are going to be doing in that bathroom, babies present or not.” Whistler says. Looking annoyed that he has to wait to eat.

The man is one of the smallest brothers in the club, but you wouldn’t know it with the way he eats. He is by far the hungriest man I have ever met. I chuckle at the look of pure agony on his face.

“What the fuck Whistler? That’s… that… we don’t need to think about that shit; that’s my damn sister and VP. No, just no, bro,” Vex says, looking disgusted.

“Fucking same,” Bull says.

“She's my damn daughter, and I’ve had about enough of hearing about what the two of them get up to in their private time. So don’t make me demote you and make Stoney my secretary to spite your ass.” I hear a few chuckles because everyone knows Stoney repels having a seat of authority. Stoney is young and recently got patched into the club after graduating high school.He’d rather be riding and fucking whores than doing paperwork and dealing with officer meetings.

“Hold the fuck up, Prez. You’re just skipping me for that idiot?” Dallas Whistler, another one of his younger brothers. He has a few. He’s the eldest of nine, his poor mother. I chuckle, looking at his face, which is blank but can’t hold back from smiling in disbelief at his Prez. Looking at him as if he was trying to decipher whether he would do just that.

“No, you dumb ass, I am two seconds from retiring, and you all will be on your fucking own. I’m getting too old for this shit.” Gunner gives everyone in the vicinity an annoyed glare and shakes his head, plopping down next to me, pulling me to his side, and kissing me on my forehead. I don’t push him away because we aren’t there yet. While I’m also trying not to show my smile that I can’t help it from spreading as my eyes trail around the room at the people I call family.

If only it could always be like this.




Sitting with my brother after eating the delicious meal my woman and the other ol’ ladies made for us. I look around the yard as the bonfire blazes and the little kids finish roasting their marshmallows before heading off to bed. This is the life I’ve always wanted. This ease, the contentment, no one bitching at me about it being too cold, or how so and so is looking at them. No fussing and fighting, just me, my brothers, my family, and a good time. This is what it was all supposed to be about.

Standing, I find my woman near the fire with the other ol’ ladies as they talk animatedly. I’m enraptured watching as she interacts with them so easily. Watch how she smirks and grins at the stories the ol’ ladies share about their kids. I watch her eyes glitter with amusement, and my heart flutters because seeing her here is where she was always supposed to be; this was always meant to be her place. And from here on out, I will ensure she knows it.