Rori watched the ease with which Jackson and Carisa flirted lightly with each other. How was it that they’d just met, but they were already at this point? Clearly, they both had more practice than she did.
Lee had shifted to watch them. In fact, most of the adults in the room were focused on the couple.
Rori didn’t know much about Jackson, but he was an attractive man and appeared to have an easygoing personality. She wondered why he struggled to find and keep a girlfriend.
Watching Carisa and Jackson together, it was apparent that they shared an affinity for quick smiles and easy laughter. Maybe that was what drew them together and what would give them a chance at a relationship.
“Are these ones ready for other toppings?” Charli asked.
Rori nodded. “Cheese is done.”
Charli removed the ones Rori had done and replaced them with a couple more pizza crusts with sauce already spread on them. Rori focused on them as the hustle and bustle in the kitchen increased with the arrival of more people.
Finally, Charli shooed most everyone out the back door, including Jackson and Carisa. Lee hung back, however, sticking close to Rori.
She glanced at him before focusing back on her job. Rori wished that she could have an easygoing interaction with Lee like Carisa had with Jackson. It had taken her weeks to get to the point of some light teasing. Meanwhile, this was the other couple’s second or third meeting, and they were standing close, smiling and laughing like they’d known each other for years.
Jealousy had sparked in her heart, but Rori tried not to dwell on it. For some reason, seeing Carisa had brought with it the vision of what life might have been like for her, if only she’d been born in a different family.
Thoughts for another time, Rori told herself as she spread the shredded cheese on the pizza crust.
When Layla joined them, Rori could see that she definitely didn’t look happy.
“What’s up, kiddo?” Lee asked as he looped his arm around her shoulders.
“I’m grounded.”
Lee glanced at Charli. “When did this happen?”
“Last night,” Charli said.
“What did you do?”
When Layla didn’t answer, Charli said, “It’s more like what she didn’t do.”
“Didn’t clean my room,” Layla muttered.
“Oh, boy.” Lee bent and kissed the top of his niece’s head. “Do the crime, do the time.”
Layla rolled her eyes. “Yeah. I know.”
The girl didn’t appear too upset about being punished.
“Are you going to listen to your mom about cleaning up next time?” Lee asked.
“I’ll try to.”
Charli gave a huff of laughter. “In other words, she’s not committing to anything.”
“The pizzas are all baked except these last two,” Blake said as he walked into the kitchen. “Is everything else ready to go?”
“Yep.” Charli tipped her head back to accept her husband’s kiss as he walked past her.
Blake picked up the last two pizzas, and the rest of them followed him out the back door, Lee holding the door for Rori as they left the kitchen.
The evening unfolded much like the one had the previous week, with the lively addition of Carisa. Rori didn’t take part in the conversation as much as the other woman did, but Lee’s presence at her side throughout the dinner was comforting.
Just like last time, after they’d finished with the meal, Charli brought out the makings for s’mores along with brownies, cookies, and coffee.