“What makes you feel most special? What makes you feel loved by the people in your life?”
Rori’s face lost all expression as her gaze dropped to her hands. “I’d have to think about that. I’ve not really had those types of experiences or relationships.”
Lee’s heart clenched at her words. Was that really the case? “Not even with your family?”
She gave a shrug. “I was an inconvenience to both my mom and dad. My mom cheated on her husband with my dad. He was their pool boy. Her husband ended up divorcing her over it, so my older half brother and sister on that side blame me for what happened. They don’t… like me very much.”
Her revelation rendered Lee speechless. He knew that not every family was a happy one with healthy relationships, but it hurt his heart to think that Rori had been so rejected by the people who were supposed to love her unconditionally.
Although, for all he knew, his biological family might have been that way if he’d stayed with them.
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
Rori’s smile was fleeting. “It’s life. I’ve accepted it.”
“It’s their loss,” Lee told her. “They’re missing out by not having you in their lives.”
“I doubt they feel that way.”
“Well, if your biological family won’t love you, you can make a family of your own. Not every family is related by blood, and friends can step into the void.”
He knew how fortunate he was that when he couldn’t stay with his biological family, the Halversons had taken him into their home. That decision had given him a stable and loving home. He just wished that Rori had had that in her life.
“Well, come for pizza and see how wild and wacky we can be.”
“Will I be the only non-family member there?”
“Maybe,” Lee said. “But usually, Gareth’s best friends are both there too, and any other friends we’ve asked to join us.”
“Would you invite Carisa?”
Lee frowned. “Carisa?”
The thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. She’d been nice enough, and it seemed that perhaps they’d meet up at church. However, she wasn’t the one he wanted to spend time with.
“No. I’m not going to invite her this time.”
“She seems really nice. I wasn’t expecting that, to be honest.”
“Well, to be honest as well, neither was I.”
“If I go to Charli’s for pizza, what can I bring?”
Lee didn’t like the if, but he wasn’t going to pressure her. “You don’t have to bring anything. It’s super casual. We have pizza, salad, and dessert. If you like something special to drink, you could bring that.”
“Like a certain type of soda or juice you like.”
“Oh. No, whatever’s there would be fine.”
“So do you think you’ll come?” Lee asked.
“What time?”
“Usually, people just come after they’re done work, and we eat once everyone is there.”
He could see she hadn’t made up her mind, and he wasn’t sure if there was anything he could say to convince her.