Page 51 of Lee

Lee glanced around. “Really?”

“Yes. It’s just a studio. The perfect size for me.”

Lee didn’t look convinced, but Rori didn’t want him to feel sorry for her. She was building her life in a way that she felt comfortable with. Of course, her apartment would be more comfortable and homier with furniture, but that would come in time.

“Have you got yourself a bed yet?”

“Not yet, but I’ve got a couple of options.”

“Will you need help getting whatever you decide on to your apartment?”

“I don’t think so. I’m considering one of those mattresses that comes compacted in a box, so I should be able to get it delivered.”

Lee narrowed his gaze at her for a moment, his dark gaze questioning. “I’m sure we could find you some furniture, so you don’t have to buy everything.”

“You don’t need to do that.” Though Rori appreciated his generosity, it wasn’t his responsibility.

The decision to move to Serenity had been hers and hers alone, so she needed to prove that she could take care of herself. For some reason, it was important to her that Lee and everyone else did not see her as weak and dependent on others to survive.

A noise from Penelope drew Lee’s attention. He leaned over the edge of the enclosure to observe her. “I think we might see a puppy soon.”

“Really?” Rori went down on her knees so that she could rest her arms on the top edge of the enclosure and watch what was happening.

He glanced over at the door. “Hopefully, Carisa will be back in time.”

Rori tried not to wonder if he wanted her there for more than just a puppy’s birth. She couldn’t blame him if he did. Though she’d anticipated a snobby person, Carisa seemed genuinely nice.

“Here we go,” Carisa announced as she walked into the room with a tray holding a large mug and two glasses with lids and straws.

“Just in time,” Lee told her. “I think the first puppy is about to make an appearance.”

“Ooooh.” Carisa set the tray down on the counter and came over to the enclosure, dropping down to kneel beside Rori.

Lee opened his bag and pulled some things out. “Do you have some towels I can use?”

Carisa picked up a couple of towels from a basket that sat near her and handed them to Lee. Cooing softly to her, she reached out and ran a gentle hand over the dog’s head.

By the time the first puppy emerged, Lee had a few things set out on a towel, and he’d pulled on a pair of gloves. Rori braced herself for what was to come, suddenly wishing she’d searched for a video so she was a bit more prepared.

It looked like Carisa was totally ready for everything that was transpiring, which made sense, since it was her dog going through the process.

Lee didn’t intervene at all, just kept watch over what was unfolding. Even when the puppy was born, he didn’t do anything.

Rori had to avert her gaze a few times over the next few minutes as the dog did what was required of her. It seemed that perhaps it was a bit more than she could handle, but she was determined to stick it out. She didn’t want Lee to think she was weak. And she didn’t want to have to use smelling salts in front of Carisa.

“Good job, girl,” Lee said, his voice soft. “You’re already such a good mama.”

Carisa took a picture of the puppy. “I need to send this to my friend. To let her know the puppies are arriving.”

Once the first puppy was settled with the mom, Carisa got them their drinks. And like she’d promised, Rori’s iced coffee tasted amazing. Carisa beamed when Rori complimented her on it.

When the second puppy was born about half an hour later, Penelope turned her attention to it, and Lee picked up the first one. With gentle movements, he checked the puppy over, including opening its mouth.

“What are you checking in the mouth for?” Rori asked.

Lee glanced at her and smiled. “I’m making sure that her palate is intact.”

“Her?” Carisa asked.