Page 43 of Lee

“You were talking for so long I thought you might be reconnecting.”

Lee returned to spreading butter on the bread for his grilled cheese sandwich. “We were just catching up. It’s been years since we last saw each other.”

He had no idea what was in Anya’s mind, but there were no thoughts in his of getting back together. He’d loved her, once upon a time, but they’d both changed a lot over the years, and he wasn’t looking to rekindle anything with her.

Lee set the sandwiches in the hot pan on the stove. Sunday evenings tended to be a bit more relaxed when it came to meals, especially in summer when the church didn’t have regular evening services.

Charli didn’t make a big meal for everyone. Will and Janessa sometimes ended up at Will’s folks’ place. Other times, they went out on a date.

Charli and Blake often took the kids to Blake’s aunt and uncle’s house for supper after spending the afternoon at the park. Lee knew that Blake considered them parental figures since he didn’t have a great relationship with his own parents.

That meant that Lee was usually on his own with Elsa on Sunday evenings.

“You should’ve just taken her number and called her up,” Charli said, an edge of reproof in her voice. “Instead of abandoning us to stand there talking with her for an hour.”

More like abandoning Rori. “It wasn’t an hour.”

“Rori managed to get a whole bunch of family pictures done in the time you were chatting with your ex.”

Lee did actually feel bad about leaving her to fend for herself with his family. However, he’d known that Charli would take care of her. After all, it had been her idea to invite Rori to the picnic.

“Thank you for making her feel welcome,” Lee said.

“She’s a sweet girl. I’d love to know more about her story, but she didn’t talk much about herself.”

Lee was curious too, he had to admit. “Her mother lives here in Serenity. But from a few things Rori has said, it seems she doesn’t have much to do with her.”

“Very strange.” Charli reached out to take Shiloh from Blake, who had joined them in the kitchen. “It looks like maybe Essie has taken her under her wing.”

“Which is crazy because Rori said Essie works as a housekeeper for the man Rori’s mom married.”

“Oh… that’s a bit weird.”

“Sounds like Rori might have a fractured relationship with her parents, like I have with mine,” Blake said. “Some people just aren’t cut out to be parents.”

“I hope Rori has found people to be her family the way you have,” Charli said, going up on her tiptoes to give Blake a kiss. “Everyone deserves someone in their life who looks out for them.”

Lee felt a tug at his heart to be that for Rori, and he suspected that if he was put into the position to help her out, he would definitely step up.

“Did you know she’s sleeping on an air mattress?” Lee asked as he checked to see if the cheese was melting.

“She told you that?” Charli asked.

“Sort of.” Lee spun the spatula in his hand as he said, “She mentioned that she might want to get a cat but had to wait until she got a real bed since she figured a cat and an air mattress wouldn’t mix.”

“Is there a reason she’s using an air mattress?” Blake asked.

“She said her previous apartment was furnished, so she came here without furniture.”

“I’m sure we could round up some stuff for her,” Charli said.

“If she’ll take it.”

Charli frowned at him. “Do you think she’d refuse?”

Lee shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

Though she sometimes gave off the air of someone who needed help, she’d never asked for any. She came to work each day with a smile. If she was struggling, he couldn’t tell it by her attitude.