Page 32 of Lee

Rori’s life didn’t feel fleeting. At times, it seemed like it was dragging, with each day being the same as the previous one.

Would God give her life purpose?

Using her phone, Rori made note of the Bible verses the pastor mentioned. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to continue to dwell on what she’d heard that day because it treaded into painful territory for her. However, just in case she changed her mind, she wanted to have the information.

The song following the sermon was a simple one, but clearly it was impactful to the people in the congregation. Rori could understand why as she read the lyrics and recalled the pastor’s words.

In my life, Lord, be glorified.

There was emotion in the air as people lifted their hands as they sang. It was worshipful and reverent, especially when the instruments stopped playing.

Once again, a longing flared to life in her heart.



And now… Eternity.

Each word resonated with something deep inside her.

But then the service ended, and she didn’t know what to do with her emotions.

“I wanted to have you join us for dinner,” Essie said as they got to their feet. “But Cath called this morning to ask if we could help her out this afternoon, since she’s not feeling very good.”

“How far along is she now?”

“Thirty-three weeks, and she is ready to have the baby now.”

There was no way Rori could be upset about Essie and Al wanting to help their daughter, especially since Cath was taking care of a couple of other young children too.

As they headed for the door of the church, Rori heard someone call her name. After saying good-bye, Essie and Al continued to the door while Rori turned back around.

“It’s so good to see you here,” Charli said with a smile. “How have you been doing?”

“I’m doing well, thank you.”

“Do you have plans for the afternoon?”

Rori nodded. “Since it’s so nice, I’m going to the garden at the park to take some pictures.”

“That sounds nice,” Charli said. “And a coincidence. We’re going there too.”

Rori shifted on her feet. “It’s such a nice day, I’m not surprised.”

“Yep. We’re going to have a picnic and play some volleyball. You should join us.”

Charli’s words took Rori off-guard, and for a moment, she was speechless. In the next moment, however, she knew she couldn’t accept. Maybe if Lee had been the one issuing the invitation, she might have considered it. But she wasn’t going to be drawn into Lee’s personal life without his say-so.

“Thank you for the invitation,” Rori said. “But I’m afraid I have to decline.”

A frown crossed Charli’s face, and Rori braced herself for the woman demanding an explanation for why she wouldn’t join them. Instead, she nodded and said, “Let me give you my phone number. If you change your mind, shoot me a text. You are more than welcome to join us. Even late.”

Rori put Charli’s number into her phone. “Thank you again for the invitation.”

“I hope you change your mind,” Charli said, her tone earnest. “If not, hopefully I’ll see you here again.”

After they said goodbye, Rori watched as Charli walked to where a large group of people stood together. Lee was among them, and for a split second, Rori regretted saying no to Charli’s invitation, but she’d made her decision. With an ache in her heart, she swung around and headed for the door.