Feeling happy after her first night in her newly furnished apartment, Rori took a few extra minutes getting ready for church. No one would probably notice or care, but she’d know, and it would make her feel good.
Before she left, Rori stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and stared at herself. She’d chosen to wear a sundress she’d found while exploring a thrift store earlier in the week. The dress was unlike anything else she owned. She’d always been very practical with her clothes.
This outfit, however, was soft and feminine. Anything but practical. It had a light pink floral pattern, a sweetheart neckline, and floaty sleeves. The bodice was fitted with a skirt that flared out. It made her want to spin around, but she refrained.
She’d curled her hair and swiped shadow on her eyelids and gloss on her lips, along with the mascara she usually wore.
For a moment, Rori didn’t recognize herself. There was joy in her eyes and her smile was positively beaming. She felt… pretty, which wasn’t something she often thought of herself as being.
Was she changing how she presented herself because she thought Lee might like this better? Or was this how she’d always wanted to dress?
You don’t need that frilly dress. It’s not practical, and it’s a waste of money.
Her mother’s voice echoed in her mind, and as Rori looked at herself in her new dress, she could see that her mom hadn’t been wrong. It wasn’t practical, and it probably was a waste of money. But it had only cost her a few dollars.
However, even if it had cost more, for once, she didn’t care.
After smiling at her reflection, Rori went to put on her sandals, then with keys and purse in hand, she left her apartment.
As she neared the church a few minutes later, nerves fluttered in her stomach. Even though she’d taken longer to get ready, she was still early for the service.
Opening the car door, Rori climbed out, then made her way to the doors of the church. When she stepped inside, she saw that plenty of people were there already, but a quick glance showed her that none of them was Lee.
She moved through the foyer to the entrance of the sanctuary. There weren’t as many people in the large space, and most of those who were there already were on the stage at the instruments.
Unwilling to retrace her steps into the foyer, Rori instead walked to the far side of the sanctuary and took a seat in the very back row. She’d wait there until she saw someone else to sit with.
People gradually filtered in, slowly filling up the pews. She was starting to wonder if any of the Halversons, aside from Gareth—who was at the drums—was actually coming to church that day. Then she saw Jay and Misha walk in with Peyton. They headed down the center aisle to the pew where they usually sat.
Rori kept watching for Lee, and when she finally saw him, her heartbeat increased, pounding hard in her chest.
But then her heart plummeted when she saw Carisa by his side, along with an older couple. Charli and Janessa followed, with Blake, Will, and the girls trailing them.
The group walked down to where Jay and Misha were standing. Rori’s gaze followed them, but no one looked in her direction.
She dropped her gaze to her lap, clutching her phone tightly. In that moment, she realized how desperately she’d hoped that the time she’d spent with Lee, and the way he’d taken care of her, had actually meant something.
But here he was, showing that same care to Carisa on her first time at church. And Rori couldn’t even hate either of them. Caring was just Lee’s nature, and Carisa was sweet and kind…
How stupid she’d been to think that she was special to Lee. That he might be interested in her beyond friendship.
With everything he’d done for her, he was just being a good friend. And she did need friends.
But friends she had feelings for who didn’t feel the same way? She wasn’t sure she needed any of those.
Rori wanted to walk out, but something kept her in her seat. When the music started, she blew out a breath and looked up. The pews around her were all pretty much filled, though people continued to trickle in.
Her gaze found Lee again in time to see him shift in his seat and glance toward the back. But since they were on the same side, and he was seated close to the end of the aisle with Carisa beside him, he didn’t turn far enough to see her.
If he was even looking for her.
She was headed for heartache again. But what else was new?
As they were standing for the first song, she felt a touch on her shoulder and turned to see Jackson beside her. He leaned down and pointed to the pew on the other side of her.
“Is someone sitting there?”
Rori shook her head, then stepped out into the aisle so he could scoot in. She could have just moved down, but she wanted to make a pretty quick exit after the service. The last thing she wanted was to get trapped and forced into a conversation with Jackson.