“You can use mine,” Will offered.
Lee turned to Rori to find her watching them with rounded eyes. “When did you plan to go?”
She chuckled. “Whenever I remembered to pick up a tape measure and measure the windows.”
“So not today,” he said.
She shrugged. “That wasn’t the plan.”
“Plans can change,” Charli chimed in.
Rori smiled at her. “True.”
“But do you want your plans to change?” Lee asked.
“Now that I have the measurements, I might go this afternoon,” Rori said. “But you don’t have to go with me.”
“I know,” Lee assured her. “But I’d like to.”
“Perfect,” Charli announced. “But since I’m not allowed to go shopping with you, I’ll expect pictures.”
“If you want to go, babe,” Blake said, “I can go home to the girls.”
Charli looked tempted, but finally said, “No. You told me you wanted to work out at the gym with Will. I’ll go home.”
Lee wasn’t sure if he believed that this wasn’t a set-up by his siblings. It didn’t seem like it was. However, with his family, one never knew.
“Well, I guess that’s settled,” Lee said, then turned to Rori. “Are you ready to go now?”
“Sure. I just need my purse.”
Once she had it, they all left her apartment, waiting as she locked up. Lee had to bite his tongue so that he didn’t say anything about the lack of security as they left the building.
“Here you go,” Will said, tossing his key fob to Lee. “And there’s no rush to get it back to me. If I need a car, I’ll use Janessa’s.”
Lee led Rori to Will’s car and opened the door for her, then went around to climb behind the wheel. He had to slide the seat back a bit to accommodate the couple of inches of height he had on Will.
“You’re okay going to Walmart?”
“Yep. That’s where I planned to check first to see if they had what I needed.”
The drive took less than ten minutes, and soon he was pulling into an empty spot in the large parking lot. Once inside, he grabbed a cart, and together they made their way to the part of the store where there was an assortment of window coverings.
Lee helped Rori find the correct sizes of a few different styles of blinds. He watched as she debated over which one would work best for the windows in her apartment.
He would normally have given his opinion if he’d been doing this with a family member or close friend, but he didn’t know how much input she might want from him.
“Would you be able to install this?” Rori said, looking up at him.
Lee took the blind she held out, the cheapest of the options, he noticed, and checked over what he could see of how it needed to be installed.
“I should be able to.”
“Then I think I’ll go with these.”
Lee took them without comment and put them in the cart. “Do you need to look at anything else while we’re here?”
She paused for a moment, but then said, “Nope. Just the blinds.”