Page 46 of Lee

“Well, I hope that you find him without having to date too many guys.”

“Gotta kiss a few frogs to find my prince.”

“I’m sorry, but that doesn’t sound like much fun,” Rori said.

On that, he and Rori could definitely agree.

Lee had gone on a couple of blind dates, back when he’d first started dating in college, and he’d even tried the dating apps as they gained popularity. However, he could never relax enough to get to know someone when it felt like there was already the pressure of it being a date.

He preferred getting to know someone at least a little before asking them out on a date. His last girlfriend had been someone he’d met when her friend had started to hang out with his friend group and brought her along. They’d known each other for a few months before going out on their first date.

“I like getting to know guys,” Alys said. “So even if we don’t continue to date, we could end up as friends.”

Rori didn’t appear to be convinced, and apparently she was done with the dating conversation as she excused herself to go to the reception desk.

“If she wants to date someone she already knows, maybe she should date you.”

Alys’s comment didn’t surprise Lee. But rather than respond, he just narrowed his eyes at her, then turned to fill his mug from the coffee carafe.

“Don’t bug her about that,” Lee cautioned. “The last thing we want is for her to be uncomfortable here.”

“I’ve matched friends who’ve gone on to get married. I’m good at seeing the potential in people.”

“Maybe you should be working at Matchmakers ‘r’ Us.”

“Maybe. But I might need to buff up my resume before applying.”

“Not by using me.” Lee gave her a mock salute before leaving the room.

He hadn’t had this many matchmaking attempts when he’d been living in Chicago. It did seem that the people in his life in Serenity were more focused on being in relationships, and therefore wanted him in once as well.

In Chicago, there had been people he knew who had been in relationships, but there were just as many who hadn’t been. There hadn’t seemed to be the push for everyone to be in a relationship, mainly because a lot of them had been super focused on establishing their careers.

Here, though, it was like it was a personal affront if someone didn’t want to be in a relationship. Which was kind of ironic when it came from Charli, who had resisted relationships for most of her adult life.

Since returning to Serenity, he had also resisted the idea of being in another relationship. He still thought he needed to wait until he got the information on his past

However, the more time he spent around Rori… the less reluctant he became.

Later that afternoon, Lee had just stepped out of the exam room where he’d done a follow-up appointment with a dog who’d had surgery the previous week, when he heard Rori call his name.

Turning, he gave her a smile as he waited for her to join him. “What’s up?”

Her brow furrowed as she crossed her arms. “I had a strange phone call, and I’m not sure what to do about it.”

“Did you ask Cheryl?”

“No. She has a doctor’s appointment this afternoon.”

“Okay. So what was the call about?”

“Someone wanted a vet to be on call for when their dog went into labor,” she said. “They want you to come out to their house to deliver the puppies.”

“Ah. Could be some rich person who doesn’t want to have to keep an eye on their dog when she’s in labor. Also, they’ve probably paid a fortune for a pedigreed dog and don’t want anything to happen to their investment.”

“So what should I do?”

“Let me talk to Dr. Carl and see what they usually do in these situations. I’m sure this isn’t the first time the clinic has gotten this request, since we have lots of wealthy people in the area.”