“You’ve made me so happy,” Lee said as he took her face in his hands and leaned forward to press his lips to hers.
Rori gripped Lee’s wrists, pouring all her love into this first kiss as his fiancée.
When their kiss ended, Rori smiled up at the man she would one day call her husband. “I can’t wait for us to get married.”
“So you don’t want a long engagement?”
Rori shook her head. “I don’t need a fancy wedding. I just want us to be married.”
“In that case…” Lee grinned, then had her pose with him. He held his phone up as they kissed, her left hand resting on his cheek, and took a picture.
Once he had the shot, he tapped out a message, then showed her what he’d sent to his family’s group chat.
She said yes! Who wants to help plan a quick wedding!?
They both laughed as the responses flooded in.
“This is going to be so much fun,” Lee said as he got to his feet, pulling Rori up with him. Wrapping his arms around her, he spun them in a circle before setting her down, both of them laughing. “I can’t wait to see how special our wedding day is going to be. And I can’t wait to see what God has in store for the rest of our lives.”
“Me, too.” Rori clung to Lee, confident that they would be together for as long as God kept them both on this earth.
They’d had tears. They’d had laughter. They’d had good days. They’d had bad. And she was sure they’d have more of all of that, but with God’s help, they’d face each situation with confidence.
She’d taken a big step with her move to Serenity, then tackling a new job and getting a new boyfriend. Not to mention changing her whole outlook on life when she became a Christian.
Now, with her acceptance of Lee’s proposal, they had another big change coming. One that would intertwine their lives in the best possible way. And since they’d already put God at the center of their relationship, it would be the same with their marriage.
After living her life on the outside looking in, Rori finally had a place that was hers and hers alone, and that place was in Lee’s arms and by his side. Together, with God’s help, they would build a home of safety for themselves and any children they had.
No child of theirs would ever know the pain and rejection that they had. Rori knew that with complete confidence because she and Lee had committed to living their lives to honor and glorify God.
Rori smiled at the man she loved with all her heart. “I’ll love you for always.”
“And I’ll love you forever,” Lee murmured in response.
The kiss they shared in that moment held the weight of the promises they’d already made to each other and the ones they’d make in the future. One day soon, they’d stand before God and those they loved and say the vows that would bind them together.
Rori couldn’t wait.
~*~ The End ~*~