Page 98 of Charlotte

So far, his favorite verses that they’d studied had come from James 1. They were a reminder that the trials he faced in his life had a purpose, and that the refinement of his faith was in direct response to how he handled the trials that came his way. He knew that his faith had strengthened as he’d taken on the full responsibility of parenting Amelia.

Blake wondered what Charli was getting from the lessons. Maybe someday they’d be able to talk about their spiritual walks. He’d been able to have some deep conversations with his Christian friends, especially when on deployment.

Looking back, he was so grateful for the Christian men who’d helped him find his way to God. Jackson and his parents had tried to do that when he’d spent time with them, but it had taken a near death situation to open him up to committing his life to God.

He should have been on the helicopter that had crashed, but he’d been pulled off it at the last minute. When it had gone down, killing everyone on board, Blake had realized how close he’d come to death, and his perspective on life had changed completely.

All that followed had brought him to this moment in Serenity, and he couldn’t be happier.

When the class ended forty-five minutes later, no one rushed to stand up. The kids knew enough to head upstairs once their classes were over, so their parents didn’t need to go get them.

“How are you today?” Blake asked as he turned to Charli.

“Trying to figure out why I’m so worn out when I didn’t really have much at all to do yesterday.” She leaned back in the pew, her shoulders slumped. “But otherwise, Layla and I are fine. How about you and Amelia?”

“I’m fine, but Amelia is really dragging.”

Her brow furrowed over her soft brown eyes. “She didn’t sleep well?”

The concern in Charli’s voice for Amelia warmed Blake. He didn’t think it was just because she was her teacher. If they were ever going to make a relationship work, they’d both need to take on a role in the life of the other person’s child.

“She slept okay, but she woke up too early.”

“Maybe she’ll take a nap this afternoon,” Charli said. “It’s the perfect day for a nap.”

She was right about that. When they’d left the apartment earlier, they’d been greeted by a gray, moody day. Hopefully Amelia would see it as a favorable nap day the way Charli did.

Charli was dressed for the season in an oversized dark reddish-orange sweater and a pair of fitted black pants. She looked cozy and comfortable, and in Blake’s opinion, completely huggable.

But it was definitely not the time or place to be thinking about that.

When the kids joined them, there was some shuffling in the pew, with Amelia ending up next to him and Layla and Charli on her other side. Peyton sat with his parents, though, at the moment, he was talking to the little boy who kneeled on the pew in front of him.

Blake put his arm around Amelia, and she leaned against his side, folding her legs up on the pew beside her. He’d thought she was tired. However, seeing her so low energy made him wonder if something more was bothering her.

Lifting a hand, he put it against her forehead. She didn’t feel warmer than usual, so he figured there wasn’t anything to be too concerned about.

He wasn’t as certain of that, though, when she refused to go to the children’s service and stayed curled up next to him. Charli and Layla gave her a concerned look, but then Layla and Peyton headed off.

Partway through the sermon, Amelia slumped heavily against him, and Blake realized that she’d fallen asleep. He lifted her onto his lap, keeping his arms wrapped around her. It meant he couldn’t open his Bible or take any notes, but it felt important to make sure Amelia was comfortable.

She slept right through to the end of the service, and even after they’d been dismissed, Blake stayed sitting with her asleep on his lap.

“Is she just tired?” Charli asked. “Or is she not feeling well?”

“I’m not sure.” There were times when Blake really felt out of his depth as he parented Amelia, and when she was sick was when he felt the most like he didn’t know what he was doing.

Charli reached out and touched Amelia’s forehead. “She looks a little flushed.”

Blake brushed a hand over her head. “I think I should get her home. And hopefully if she can rest for the afternoon, she’ll feel better.”

He carefully got to his feet, adjusting Amelia to rest against his shoulder. He followed Charli and Layla out of the sanctuary, then headed to the coatroom.

“Let me help you with her jacket,” Charli said. “Which one is hers?”

Blake showed her without letting go of Amelia. It took a little maneuvering and help from Charli, but eventually, they were able to get jackets on both him and Amelia.

“Do you need anything?” Charli asked as she briefly rested her hand on Amelia’s back. “Were you planning to go out for lunch?”